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yang jungwon's pov

living with my father gets more difficult day by day. with all those insults directed towards me is just a step closer of ending it all. if no one in this world likes me, then.. why even exist? i'm useless.

it's day two of living in this town. my dad immediately signed me up for a local highschool that was around the block, it isn't a very far walk. i promised myself i would stand up for myself if i get picked on, which is probably a lie since i'm a pussy to even fight back.

i'm currently looking for an outfit to put on. it's a rich highschool, so i have to dress nice. thank god they don't require uniforms.

maybe grey sweatpants and a black oversized sweatshirt?

i'm not trying to impress anyone either way.  but wait.. isn't it getting a bit too light outside for it to be 6am? i glanced at my watch and my soul left my body for a split second.

its 7am- not 6. class starts at 7:20.. so that means that the bus already left!

i put on my lace less vans and grabbed my notebook. we don't need backpacks on the first day of school. i double checked if i had my phone and pen in my pocket and swiftly left the house without saying a goodbye to my father.

i ran and ran as fast as my skeleton legs could—until i tripped over a rock that was invading the space of the sidewalk. i landed face-first and this caused all of my belongings from my pockets to fall.

i grabbed my head with my hands and held it in pain. did i trip over a fucking rock? how did i not see it? i groaned from the throbbing sensation in my head and i was rolling around on the concrete. from someone else's point of view, i probably looked like a caterpillar.


"hello? are you okay?"

a soft unknown voice suprised me while i was still processing i was on the verge of kissing the hard pavement..

i looked to where the voice came from and my jaw dropped. it was the guy that was looking at me from the park. he looked different than yesterday, he was wearing a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans with a black beanie. he looked a little emo, but he also had his piercings taken off. i was kind of disappointed.

i slowly picked up my hand and waved at him and nodded right after.

"ah, okay good.. i saw you running over here really quick and you tripping over that rock really suprised me, because i didn't see it either."

the boy giggled and offered a hand and i quickly accepted it. how cliché, his soft fingers fit in mine perfectly like jigsaw puzzle pieces.

the moment i was off the floor, i bowed to him really low to show how thankful i was. because i knew for a fact if nobody was here to help me up, i would've stayed on the floor the entire day. i felt a nose blood coming my way and i lifted my head up to stop the blood from getting on my shirt.

if it was anyone else but this hot guy, no one would've helped me. they would think i was a comedian despite how bad i get hurt. i grabbed my notebook that was on the floor and the pen that was in my pocket, and wrote something down sloppily.

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