the trauma

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it was two girls who were hit by a train. is it bad that I'm excited to see this case why not "I heard you are interested in ortho and neuro so I'm here to win you over" she smiled at me sweetly like I wasn't a 13-year-old girl but a doctor and that is something I love in a person so once we got her to trauma one when we moved her to the next bed I saw something "um dr torres I think I saw something when she was lifted like something in her back" before working on her we turn her on her side and she had her spine sticking out now that was cool and scary at the same time so before we started working on her we booked a or and that was the only OR that isn't full so we had to hurry before someone else try's to take it "we need the OR we have a brain bleed" so we let him take it and we had to wait  for another OR. after 30 minutes there was an OR so we rushed her in her emergency surgery once her back was fixed and all so learned her has a broken rib so that's all we had to do

Me and dr grey work very well together  and she is interested in ortho so I automatically love her and she reminds me of Sophia. "you did good dr grey" I gave her a soft smile "you can call me madison or Maddie" I am starting to her and it is not because she is interested in ortho it's because she is hard working and I think she feels like she has to prove herself to everyone else but she is my favorite she is like how Christina is with cardio but she is like that was everything "so Maddie are you another sister of Meredith's" she looked at me very confused then realized what I was asking "well I'm her niece lexie grey is my mom I don't know if you know her" oh my lexie had a kid that we all didn't know about and now this kid is all alone no mom and no one knows who the dad is but now i'm hoping lexie or someone knows the dad so she has some family "tell me about yourself" now i can tell it took her a while to ask that because she was scared "i have a 2 year old her name is sophia and i have an amazing wife she is also a doctor here" i think sophia would love her to and so would Arizona. then this kid and his mother come in yelling for help so me and Maddie ran over "my husband he is dead please help me!!!" we ran out to her car and he was on the top of the car just strapped on the top of the car

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