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|Sally's POV|

I told everyone, the state of our Mission, I hadn't seeing so many sad faces, even humans, I just think Tails isn't taking this situation well...I'm not either, not after seeing Sonic, he was different, and his looked happy with those four, but I was curious as to what other DNA he had in him, I had Scientist to a test on the blood sample we got, from him when he was sleeping...maybe we can reverse it.

"Princess..." The Scientist called me over, I walked over, "What did You find out?"

I looked at the screen, and I just blinked, Doom forced these animal into Sonic.

99% Mobian
99% Hedgehog
80% Killer Queen Bee
80% Gray Wolf
30% Honey Badger
30% Lion
2% Black Arm Alien

Interesting...I guess they kept the chaos energy, and speed, the animals just help to make him a more of a soldier...it's already to late to turn him back...I just let out a sigh...I hate to give up, but Doom hasn't even found us, and with Metal here getting supplies was easier.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I'm sorry Mobius...I failed you and Sonic.

|Third Person POV|

Sonic walks back into the enclosure, he trusted the Nanny to take care of his kids, his pack needed him, he sniffs the air of the enclosure moving through to find what that new smell was, it smelt like someone new, or just food. He sniffs at Mutant, only to be growled at, Sonic growls back at the mutant, the mutant pins their ears back whimpering before moving out of the way, the new mutant was female of course but they knew who was Queen.

Sonic looks around before spotting his second command just laying in the center, He goes over to Scourge and laying down on top of him.

"King!" Sonic purred, he knew that Scourge can talk, since they had conversations before...even though the blue hedgehog didn't remember.

Scourge just hums, "Hey I missed you" he said yawning softly, he wraps his arm around Sonic. He presses his lips onto Sonic's who just kissed him back, he lets out a moan when Scourge pushed his tongue into his mouth, Scourge pulls away from Sonic's lips a thick strain of saliva between the two tongues.

"Missed you more, King~" Scourge picks up Sonic by the scruff of his neck, come pared to Sonic, Scourge was a lot bigger and Sonic, just lets Scourge carry him, he was confused, until the green hedgehog brought the smaller male to the den, placing him down.

Sonic's ears twitches, but he just gets himself comfortable, and yawns.

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