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|Third Person POV|

Shadow grabs a hold of Eclipse, "I thought I told you...to not harm them!" He growled.

"Listen...Brother, She's a threat, I did what had to do...to keep her in check" Eclipse hissed.

Infinite pulled Shadow away from Eclipse, "As much as I hate you, Eclipse is right..."

Shadow growls, he hated to admit that keeping the Freedom Fighters alive, is just risking his trust with his own father, if anything it was the Fighter's fault for wanting to save everyone...if anything they were better off in that safe haven.

"So Brother...what will it be?" Eclipse said folding his arms.

"Just...don't kill her..." Shadow admits.

"Tsk, I know you had a human friend...but for someone who little didn't give a shit about G.U.N" Infinite scoffs, Shadow turns to look at Infinite "That's because I made a promise...Towe, can die for all I care"

"And yet here we are...Mobius is in ruins just because you couldn't stop your own father" Infinite continued.

"Silence!" Doom hissed

The three turned to the bigger Alien. "Eclipse...let the prisoners good, after all we don't need dead wait on our ship, after all with their hero, under our control, they don't have a reason to fight back"

"But Father?" Eclipse said, he only lets out a sigh, It was kind of right, they can just release the Fighters after all they didn't really have a reason to fight...let alone come back to free someone that can't remember. He just orders the guards to kick the fighters out of the ship.

G.U.N soldiers had the Fighters shackled pushes the group, the group only growled and hissed but the ship door opened and the fighters were lead outside the shackles were pulled off falling to the floor beneath them, the G.U.N soldiers just walked back to the ship the door closing.

"W-We are free..." Amy stutters.

"They only freed us...because they know it's hopeless for us to fight" Tails said he just looks down, he didn't know what to feel after all, he lost his best friend...his brother, and now he was back to being alone.

"Come on...guys" Sally said as she turns around to wasteland of what is Mobius. "Let's just tell everyone the news..."

The rest nodded and followed Sally out of view of the Ship, Tails stayed back looking at back at the ship, he had tears in his eyes. "I'm s-sorry Sonic...I was to late..." he cried, running after his friends.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was holding a black jackal in his arms, with blue highlights and spiking hair like Sonic's quills, with back spikes, and golden eyes, a fluffy tail with a blue tail tip, a fluffy peach muzzle. Sonic puts the jackal into the crib, he picks up Maria who just nuzzles his cheek, "Mama" she said.

Sonic lets out a yawn, he was exhausted...but he was glad that he was able to give his partners what they wanted. He got himself his own little pack, a dark hedgehog, with quills that were similar to Shadow's with the same color stripes as Mephiles with five bangs that cover his face, a peach muzzle, and under belly that was fluffy, blue fur up to his elbows that cover his hands, and ankles, as well as light blue patch on his back that covers his tail and side.

The blue hedgehog sat down placing Maria down, he just wanted to sleep, he was exhausted.

"Go Nap...E-0, I'll take care of them" The Nanny said.

"Thank chu..." Sonic said, he picked up on the talking from, Shadow, who was trying to teach Maria to speak. The blue hedgehog goes off, leaving the nursery, he started to walk down the hallways of the ship, he saw the G.U.N Soldiers taking the Fighters outside, curious Sonic followed after them, but he stopped when the ship door opened, he wasn't allowed outside unless their was a mission, he looks down the hallways when he didn't see anyone he just smiled to himself and followed outside, his ear twitches when he heard the Tails crying before running away.

Did I hurt it? Sonic thought he tries to go after Tails only for his hand to burn in the light of the sun, the blue hedgehog pulls his and back, he hissed. His Mutant DNA is very different, from the rest of his hive, his body despite him be able to fight, he was the Queen, and Alpha. His DNA his body is sensitive to a lot of things...he is immune to getting sick.

The hive follow a strict rule, and that's to follow, the Queen's orders, protect the Queen, fight for the Queen, and Guard the Queen. Sonic only fought unless he had too, that was his DNA...if he didn't need to fight his body enters 'Harmless Mode' Something that the azure hedgehog couldn't control. Sonic being curious trying again only for his whole hand to burn, despite the red sky...the Sun is still a things. He pins his ears down and goes back to the ship, at least he got to see the outside.

"Sonic!" The Blue hedgehog, yelps when he was pulled into a tight hug, by Shadow, "Thank god, your okay."

"Outside..." Sonic said pointing to the door.

"You went outside?" Shadow asked.


"It's okay, Sonic, at least you came back" Shadow said.

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