Chapter 14: The party.

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       He parks the car at the local grocery store and I follow behind him, I watch the back of his head and actually think about strangling him but another part makes me want to kiss him. Y/n what has gotten into you? "Y/n, what do you think?" He says holding two bags of chips one Cheetos and one Doritos. "Oh- um Doritos for sure." I point and he nods. "I thought you were a Cheeto girl?" He says throwing the chips into the cart, heading to the bakery. "Well- I'm just craving Doritos right now." I laugh and he nods. 

      He walks up to the baker, "Fisher, please." he asks politely and the woman nods, she comes back with a huge cake with red, white, and blue. He thanks the lady and places it into the cart. "That's huge!" I say in amazement and he raises a brow. I roll my eyes at his dirty mind and slap his shoulder, I place the things on the counter and the old lady smiles. "Jeremiah, I'm so glad your dating again." She laughs and I huff. 

     Don't get me wrong, I respect my elders and all, but they always have something to say. Jeremiah laughs, not correcting the woman. "Ooh! What a lovely cake." She scans it and we thank her then leave. "You sure are popular here." I point out and he nods. "everyone here is family." he hands me the cake. "Can you hold it while I drive? I just don't want it to get ruined." I nod and climb into his jeep. 

      The ride back is relatively quiet but I don't mind as we both jam to more SZA. We finally arrive to the house and we walk around back. "This cake sure is-"

      Before I can finish my sentence, belly plunges into me, causing the cake to smear all over me. My face fills with embarrassment, "Oops.." She simply stands up, not offering any help but running inside. "Y/n! Are you okay?" I hear Conrad and Jeremiah say in unison holding their hands out. "I'm fine." I stand up alone wiping the cake off of me furious. I run inside looking for the bathroom and once I do, I lock myself in there. 

     I understand it was an accident but that incident sent me over the edge. I use tissue to get the cake of me and head downstairs. I'm met to Susannah and her face is filled with concern. "Are you alright?" She asks me and I nod, "I'm fine, but the cake isn't" I sigh finding the nearest seat. "I'm really sorry about your cake, Jeremiah told me about how important it is to you." I frown and she sits next to me. "Oh honey,, don't you worry it's alr-" Then her words start to go inaudible as I think of an idea. "Do you have any cake mix?" I ask and she goes into the kitchen, I follow behind her as she looks through the cabinets. She takes the box out of it and hands it to me. "Thanks, I'm sorry for ruining the cake so I'll make a new one."

     "It's not your fault, but I appreciate it." She puts a hand on my shoulder and walks outside, to the party. I waste no time getting started on a fourth of July cake on Pinterest and it looks amazing. Well amazing for someone who is not at all creative. I walk outside with the cake around an hour later and place it at the table, Jeremiah creeps beside me only in his swim suit and I turn around. "Where were you?" He asks worry in his voice, "In the kitchen, I remade your mom a cake." I sigh wiping sweat off of my forehead and he nods in realization.

     "That's why she didn't let anyone in the kitchen." He says taking a look at the cake. "That's amazing. How did you even-" He asks and I shrug. "Magic?" I laugh and he shakes his head, "Come on my friends want to see you again." He takes my hand and we go to the side of the pool. I didn't bring a swimsuit so I pull my dress up some and just sit at the side with my legs in. Jeremiah jumps into the pool causing a huge splash and I try to cover my face as best as I can. 

    "Ayden! Jayden!" I wave and they wave back. "Yoo Y/n long time no see!" Jayden says and I raise a brow. "It's been two days idiot" Ayden shakes his head and I laugh. "whatever it was long for me!" Jayden crosses his arms underwater. "Whatever, are you staying for the fireworks." He asks and I nod, "Yeah, why not." I shrug at Jeremiah who is weirdly quiet. There's a peaceful silence until belly comes swimming towards Jeremiah.  I clear my throat and glance up a few times. "Jere do you want to chicken fight with me, taylor, and steven?" She asks biting her lip, and he nods swimming over to the others. 

       Ayden soon follows after Jeremiah to play as well, so now i'm just stuck with Jayden. "Y/n are you alright?" he asks me, I guess my staring was obvious? "Yeah no i'm fine." I nervously laugh, swallowing thickly. He pulls his self out of the pool to sit beside me on the edge. "Your jealous aren't you?" He smiles at me and I raise a brow. "W-what? haha no." I roll my eyes crossing my arms. "Your a bad liar. Even I can tell." He says and I raise a brow.

     "What do you mean, even I can tell?" I ask at his absurd words and he shrugs. "You know, I'm the dumb twin so why would i know." he says casually and I slightly frown. "Do you seriously believe your dumb?" I ask and he nods, "You hear Ayden all the time." He says slouching over a little. I try to find the words and they finally come. "Your not dumb, and I'm sorry your brother makes you feel that way." I tell him genuinely and he smiles. "Never let what someone says to you get to you." I smile and he goes to hug me. "I wish I could accept your hug but your really wet right now and I'm covered in cake." I laugh and jumps back into the water playing with the rest of them. 

      I sigh, It's going to be a long day.



I swear I didn't forget but I was lacking inspiration. this is part one so there will be part two!


merry christmas!!

Summer 22' | Jeremiah x Reader 🌻Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu