Chapter 11: Keeping it chill

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"Veronica?" You look at Jeremiah who clears his throat.

Relax y/n, he made a promise that he would never hurt you, ever.

"Oh Veronica is just a friend." He nervously smiles. "Oh nice,"

"But no, I am not Veronica, I'm y/n." You wave at Jayden and Ayden and they smile.

"Hey y/n- Do you wanna hangout with us?" Jeremiah asks.

"Sure but I don't want to bothe-" You look at Jayden and Ayden, "No- no it's fine you can hang out with us!" Ayden laughs and you nod.

You all begin walking around the mall, Jayden and Ayden arguing every few minutes.

"Seriously— You can't possibly think ice cream if there are zombies everywhere." Ayden scoffs.

Jayden shrugs, "I don't know bro it might be the last time you eat ice cream."

"So if it was the last time you ate ice cream— it would be vanilla? Plain old vanilla??" Ayden crosses his arms, you and Jeremiah laugh.

"What's wrong with vanilla?? Y/n what do you think?" Jayden asks and you do a thinking face.

"There's nothing wrong with vanilla but... I'd personally choose f/i!". You smile. (F/i :favorite ice cream.)

"See y/n understands!!" Ayden chuckles. "Anyway enough with ice cream, how do you two know each other?" He points at the both of us.

"Oh we met at our summer job- we kept running into each other so we decided to become friends." You smile.

"Oh just friends? Thats not what Jeremiah tells us." Jayden elbows Jeremiah and he rolls his eyes.

"What does he tell you?" You smirk and Jeremiah waves no.

"I don't know if we should tell you... should we Ayden?" Jayden asks and Ayden nods.

"Okay come here." Jayden gestures for you to come over with his index finger.

"Wait- no." Jere says as you walk over to Jayden. Ayden steps in Jeres way and smiles.

"What does he say?" You ask, "He says..." he whispers what he says and you snort.

"He says- he says that?" You can't stop laughing and Jeremiah rolls his eyes.

"What did he tell you?" Jeremiah whispered and you laugh a little more.

"He- he said that you call me- the Cinderella to your Prince Charming." You bust out laughing about how cringe that is.

"It's true!" He grunts. "Bro your down bad" Ayden laughs.

I thought they were playing...

"Anyway this love stuff makes me hungry..." Jayden rubs his head.

"How does love make you hungry." Ayden says to Jayden as they walk to the Food Court.

"We should go-" you say pointing over to the two boys arguing over who knows what.

Jeremiah nods and we follow behind Jayden and Ayden.

"Are you hungry?" Jeremiah asks and you shake your head no.

"I ate earlier." You smile, finding somewhere to sit while they order their food.

You sit down and someone taps on your shoulder. "Hey y/n, right?" A man asks.

"Who's asking?" You say standing up looking around. "Oh sorry- I'm cam- Cameron." He says like your supposed to know who that is.

"Right you don't know me- I'm from the bonfire!" He scratches his head.

"I'm dating belly, and you were the one who helped us at the bonfire." He reminds you,

Belly has a boyfriend? Doesn't she like Conrad?

"OH- right, we haven't actually talked." You smile and he nods. "It's just that I saw you and decided to say thank you." He looks down and you raise an eyebrow.

"Thank me?" You tilt your head. "For helping my girlfriend, belly." He chuckles, "Oh- no problem, it's nothing-" you pause.

"Yo- Cam Cameron? What's up?" Jeremiah asks fist bumping Cameron. "Nothing much just saying hey to y/n." He looks at you and you nod.

"Well I'll get going- nice seeing you guys." He points at you and Jeremiah while walking away.

But didn't belly and Conrad have sex? She has a boyfriend? Is she cheating? So many questions.

"Y/n? Y/n?" Ayden waves a hand in my face and you look up. "Yeah? What's up?" You look at them all.

"You we're totally out of it." Jayden says eating his fries. You shrug.

"Anyway as I was saying.." Jayden says, "We should go to a trampoline park." Jayden smirks and Ayden raises a brow.

      "A trampoline park? Bro we don't have money like that." Ayden rolls his eyes and I choke on my drink from laughing.

      Wait trampoline park... it's only four so if we go it will be seven in no time

      "Maybe we should go to a trampoline park... I'll pay!" I smile at Jeremiah.
     "yay!! Thank you y/n!!" Jayden smiles and Ayden elbows him again.

     "Y/n you don't have to." He smiles and I shake my head. "No I insist it will be fun!" I smirk.

     "Damn Jeremiah you got a rich girlfriend." Ayden leans back in his seat.


       At the trampoline park, you and Jeremiah sit at a table, watching Jayden and Ayden push each other.

     "So they really fight like this all the time?" You ask, your face on your palms.

     "Yeah, always I don't know how I'm not tired of them already." He scoffs and I laugh.

     I receive a notification from my phone and I check it, it's Belly and Anna hanging out at the beach, with a tag "hanging with bestie"

    You frown and Jeremiah looks over at you, frowning. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Jeremiah asks and you look up.

    "Nothing, I'm okay." You look back at your phone.

     "Let's go play with them," he says grabbing my hand leading me over to them.

     "Sure?" You both begin jumping to Jayden and Ayden breaking them up, then playing dodge ball.

    These people are fun to hang out with... well that fun doesn't last long when you receive a text from your dad,

     You check your phone and he said "y/n it's 6:45, be home at 7!" You frown and walk over to Jeremiah, Jayden, and Ayden.

      "Hey guys I gotta go..." you see their smiles fade, "Aww already?" Jayden frowns, "yea, but I had a lot of fun, you guys stay though!" They both nod.

      "Let me walk you to your car." Jeremiah smiles and you say okay. "I had fun with you y/n" he smiles at the ground.

     "Really? I'm glad, people say I'm a pretty boring person." You smile, "well they're lying to you," he leans forward and kisses you, and it kind of gets intimate.

     Here both of you are, two idiot making out in a trampoline park parking lot.

     You pull away and you both stare at each other, "I should get going." You breath out and he nods smiling, wiping his mouth with his thumb.

      You get into your car and start it. "Bye y/n!!" He waves walking back into the trampoline park.

     You grab your phone to text your dad your on your way when you see a picture of Jeremiah, his face covered in flour, you smile, you actually might like him.




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