Chapter 4: First aid

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It's the day after the bonfire and I just want to sleep in,
But I have work... After the small 'argument' me and Anna had we've been kind of distant.
I get ready for work and grab my dads car keys, my dad is still sleeping and Anna is sitting in the kitchen eating food.
"hey, do you need a ride?" I said trying to avoid eye contact, "no, I'll walk." She sighed.
I nod and exit the front door, entering the car. I put my playlist on and began driving.
I signed in to work, JUST making it on time.
I head towards the janitors closet and notice Jeremiah looking through the closet.
"Hey- Jeremiah what are you doing??" I asked staring at him still looking for something.
"Oh- Y/n! I'm looking for the First-aid..." He said pointing to a scar on his head.
"Oh! the first aid kit is here" I said walking into the closet to give him the first aid kit.
"Okay that was not just there-" he laughed and I smiled.

"Do you need help?" I asked, he nods and hands me the first aid kit, then sits.
I opened the kit and got out the cream, "How did you get this?" I ask.
" Oh a stupid kid by the pool threw something at me" he scoffed.
"How did you let a kid throw something at you?" I laughed, applying the cream to his scrape.
"Ow OW! That burns like crazy" he yelled out.

"Stop being a baby" I giggle applying the bandage.
"Good as new!" I smiled patting his head.
"Your smile is so pretty," he flirts staring at me.
"Stop playing around" I rolled my eyes putting away the first aid kit.

"Oh come on, you know you like it!" Jeremiah smiles and finally standing up.
God he's so tall, I look up to him and shake my head, no. Who does this guy think he is? "I will get you to like me some how," He says seriously.

"Is that a bet?" I asked throwing the paper of the bandage away, "Yes it is, if I win then you become my girlfriend." He says playfully smirking "Okayy- and what do I get if I win? Hmm?" I furrowed my eyes. "I will leave you alone, for the whole summer." He says with a straight face.

I don't know about all that, but sure.
"Okay, fine fine. Deal." I smiled.
"Bye y/n~" he says finally leaving the closet.
Today I have to clean the room for the debs 'Tea party' or whatever.
I grab everything and begin sweeping.
The debs finally swarm in and thankfully pay me no mind, a few moments later the girl from the bonfire 'belly' walks in, with Jeremiah.

They are talking to Mrs. Paige. And sadly, I hear the whole conversation. "Its always a pleasure," Jeremiah says kissing Mrs Paige's hand.

"This is belly, well Isabel Conklin, the young woman my mom told you about. My future wife." Jeremiah says proudly and Belly hits him.

"Future wife?" I choke out loud causing the whole room to quiet down. Way to go y/n thinking out loud!

"Sorry, Carry on" I awkwardly smiled and continued sweeping.
I could tell Jeremiah was still staring at me but I'll ignore it.

It was finally my lunch shift and like always I made my way to the drink bar by the pool.
I try to be quiet because Anna is there, and we're not on the best terms right now..

"Y/n. What can I get for you?" She asks looking at the ceiling, I cringe at her stance.
"Strawberry, Strawberry smoothie." I replied tapping on the counter.

She comes back with the drink and sets it down, she almost walks away but I have to apologize.
"Look, Anna. I'm sorry for being all rude last night! I hate us being mad at each other!!" I apologized.

"Oh thank god! Same! I was thinking we were going to be angry at each other the whole summer." She sighed and dramatically put her hand on her heart. I smiled and sipped my smoothie

"I'm sorry as well! I really shouldn't have ratted us out like that! It's just-"

"Dad's disappointed face" we both laugh in sync.

An old lady from the pool comes up to the counter and orders something, she gestures she has to go and runs over to the lady.

I started drinking my smoothie then Jeremiah comes to sit next to me.
"Hey beautiful," he says looking at me.

"Why don't you go talk to your 'future wife'" I said getting annoyed. I should seriously stop talking now

"Your still on that? Belly isn't my future wife it's just what my mom says.." he complained.

"I think you agree with her" I rolled my eyes and he sighs. I'm a walking red flag.
"Jeez, your getting insecure already and I didn't even get to start the bet!" He laughs.


I can't help but smile and tell him to shut up. "Shut up! I'm not insecure!" I playfully yelled. Oh yes you are y/n.

"Oh, speaking of. Would you like to come over later tonight I have no plans." He says spinning on the stool.

"Your house?" I ask curiously and he nods.
"My dad grounded me though." I complain, putting my head down.
"your dad grounded you? Why did the police show up to your house too?" He questions.
Police? "No, but he found out we snuck out of the house to go to the bonfire... wait did the police show up to your house?" I asked resting my head on my palms.

"Yeah we forgot Steven and the police saw belly in the car, so they followed us home." He laughed also sighing,

"By the way, why can't you just sneak out again?" He asks giving me one of those weird questioning faces.

"I would, but my dad does this like disappointing face like this" I said mocking my dads disappointed face.

"Oh wow that does look scary," he chuckles. "just lie and say you did over time here at work." He laughs,

"Thats genius." I smiled and he did as well "Oh shit! We gotta get back to work it's already 1:20" I exclaimed downing my smoothie and he laughs.

I run towards the building door and he yells "MEET ME BY MY CAR AFTER WORK"
I run back outside and give him a thumbs up, hurrying back to inside.
He shakes his head and laughs, going back to work as well...
1055 words

this wasn't a very long chapter compared to the other ones but by far this is my favorite 🤩

I hope you enjoyed so far!
Next chapter coming either later today or tomorrow!

Summer 22' | Jeremiah x Reader 🌻Where stories live. Discover now