Meeting the parents

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After 4 months of dating marinette wanted to introduce him to her parents and Jon was nervous as heck.

Marinette:jon are you ready.

Jon:what if they don't like me mari.

Marinette:they will like Jon beside I met your parents and they liked me.

Marinette was not wrong as jon introduced her and after a while and during dinner his mom wanted him to marry her.

Jon:ok mari.


Both marinette and jon was walking towards the bakery and marinette open the door and was greeted by her parents.

Sabine:hello marinette(see jon)oh who is this sweetheart.

Marinette:this is jon my boyfriend.

Sabine:Tom marinette brought her boyfriend.


Jon was intimidated by Tom as he was huge(not that way perverts)but mari told him he was friendly.

Jon:hello my name is jon Kent it a pleasure to meet you both.

Tom:it a pleasure to meet you jon.

Sabine:hello please come inside.

Marinette and jon step inside in the living room.

Tom:so jon how did you meet marinette.

Jon:we met during her field trip to the daily planet when she went to America for a bit.

Sabine:that would explain why you been so happy marinette but why haven't you told us this.

Marinette:sorry mom but I wanted to give jon a chance and I didn't want dad to freak out.

Tom:I would not have freak out.

Both marinette and Sabine look at him in disbelief.

Tom:ok I would have.

Jon:and we talked and we traded phone numbers after awhile I asked her to a date then we started dating.

Sabine:well jon do you love marinette with all your heart.

Jon:I do love marinette with all my heart I never wanted to see her hurt or hurt her in anyway.

Sabine can tell he was telling the truth and thought he was better then adrien.

Sabine:you have my blessing to be with marinette.

Tom:and mine Jon your a good kid just take care of her.

Jon:I will I promise.

Marinette:well everything went well.

Sabine:marinette how are your grades.

Marinette:doing better thanks to Jon as he is helping me.

Tom:well that good have you met Jon parents yet.

Marinette:yes i did.

Jon:and my parents loves her and was telling me to marry her.

Sabine:well I can't wait for the wedding too.

Both Jon and marinette blushed at the thought of them getting married to each other.

Tom:hold on now they are still young Sabine.

Sabine:never stop your mother before Tom.

After the dinner

Sabine:it was a pleasure to meet you Jon.

Jon:thank you and it was a pleasure to meet you too.

Marinette:told you my parents will love you Jon.

Jon:Ok you were right mari(kiss mari foreheads)I better get home.

Marinette:bye(kiss Jon cheek).

Marijon one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora