Unexpected visit

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Marinette and Damian was twins but when the league of assassins was attacked they were separated marinette went to Paris and lived with her adopted parents and become ladybug Damian went to his father and become robin they haven't see each other for years until they saw each other again in Paris marinette told him everything and met Jon they fell in love but Damian wasn't sure but he thought Kent was better then that cat and spineless model they have talked and Jon asked marinette out when Damian said Kent break my sister heart your dead understand"Jon understand as he not willing to break her heart at her after that day they call(when the batfam is out)and talk Jon hated that his girlfriend was getting hurt and it leads to this day.

Alya:Mari-brat how could you.

Marinette:what did I do now.

Alya:don't play dumb your torn Lila gift that he boyfriend gave her.

Lila:after everything I tried to do to be your friend marinette you still hurt me and now this.

Marinette:what is his name Lila.

Lila:my boyfriend name is Damian Wayne.

Marinette heard her twin brother name she was close to snapping and breaking Lila neck in her sleep when the door slam open.

Jon:Mari are you ok.

Marinette:yes Jon I'm ok and nothing is wrong.

Jon:well with akumas happening can you blame me for being worry about you.

Marinette:no I really can't and it nice to see you sunshine.

Damian:danm it Kent can't you control yourself.

Marinette:why are you two here not that I don't mind.

Damian:Kent wanted to see you again and I hack into the cameras and heard lies about me.

Alya:your just some actors that slut payed.

Jon:do not call my girlfriend a slut she is not a slut she is the kindest girl I ever met.

Lila was trying to hide and hopefully escape the room when Damian closed the door and glare at her.

Damian:I'm Damian Wayne and she is my twin sister and you and miss Rossi are being sued as well from every celebrity that you have lied about.

Jon:and being blacklisted from every news station so your dream of becoming a reporter is done.

Marinette:well now that over shall we go.

Marinette Damian and Jon left the classroom while hearing shouting now learning they have been lied too

Adrien:(how could she do this I told marinette to take the high road well I can visit her as cat noir I better get home though).

In marinette room

Marinette:well that was something(sitting in Jon lap while he warp his arms around her waist and holding her close)

Damian:watch it Kent while I think your better don't think your safe so watch it.

Jon:relax Damian I won't that far.

Marinette:so when I met our father Damian cause I'm getting tired of waiting.

Damian:I still don't want to share you other than Kent.

Jon:love you too Damian.

A knock the trapdoor to marinette balcony was heard.

Marinette:it cat noir.

Damian:great I'm ready to skin this cat.

Jon:calm down cat noir is not worth it.

Damian:he flirts with her YOUR GIRLFRIEND.

Jon:fair point but still doesn't mean we have a right to kill him.

Marinette:he has been push me into dates and try to kiss me.


Damian:so want to skin him.

Jon:yes I do now.

Marinette:ok I'll open to see what he wants ok.


Marinette open the door and to her not surprise it cat noir.

Marinette:what do you want cat.

Cat noir:well I want to hello to you princess and I want you to make up with Lila and your friends any of them get akumatized and we don't want that.

Marinette:they akumatized over petty things and becide why should I friend Lila she tried to ruin my life she nothing but trouble.

Cat noir:your being selfish marinette just make up with them.

Damian:selfish everyone can be selfish mangy cat you been selfish yourself frozer syren when ladybug rejects you many times it amazing how she put up with you.

Cat noir:stay out of this.

Jon:why can't handle the truth that ladybug doesn't see you more then a partner.

Cat noir:shut up shut up SHUT UP.

Damian:knock cat noir out and marinette took his ring reveal adrien her former crush.

Marinette:well that over let take him home.

Plagg:nice to see you again pigtails sorry about him he believed that you and him were soulmates I tried to tell him that it not always romantic.

Marinette:it not your fault plagg you tried but adrien didn't listen.

Jon:well let take him home.

Damian marinette and Jon took him home Lila alya was sued while the class lost their dreams.

Thank you teniska13 for this request and I hope you enjoyed it.

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