"Yeah, you too."

Cassie walked off to meet up with Millie and filled her in on what Luke had said. Part of her wanted to read it but another part of her didn't want to ruin the fun that she was having. She put the paper in her bag and zipped it up before tightening the straps on the bag.

"You wanna dance?" Asked Jason as he came up to them.

"No, they don't." Said Luke and pulled them off of the sofa and towards the basement.

"Are you about to murder us?" Asked Millie.

"Yes, say your last words now." Laughed Luke.

In the basement was a carpet floor with a pool table and a cinema room but the door was locked. The other room had laminate flooring and people were playing flip cup as well as beer pong.

"Enjoy ladies, my brother doesn't come down here."

"Hey! Millie! Cass!" Shouted Yaz as she ran over and engulfed them both in a hug.

"Isn't this great!?" She shouted.

"You're very loud." Said Cassie.

"Sorry!" She shouted in her ear.

"It's fine."

They were in the basement for about an hour, playing games before they stumbled upstairs and out into the garden again. Yaz was talking to Mille about the crash but Cassie's mind was somewhere else. She rummaged through her bag and found the piece of paper. She resisted the urge of opening it by grabbing another drink.

"Hey, I'm...uh...gonna head offfff." Slurred Cassie to Millie.

"Mhm, same. My sister is picking me up. Thank god my parents are out for the night. You wanna lift?" Said Millie as she stumbled over a few words.

"Nah, I'll skate home."


"YOLO!" Shouted Cassie as they walked out the door.

"MARKO!" Screamd back Millie.

"That's Marko Polo." Said Yaz.

"Yep. Bye." Said Millie and stumbled to her sister's car.

Cassie was skating home for a bit until she took a tumble and landed on the floor in the park. She stayed where she was on the floor and just looked up at the stars.

*Kelly's Pov*

"I hate Christmas Parties. Why do people do stupid things?" Asked Cruz.

"Dunno." Replied Gallo who had caught a ride back with Squad.

We were driving down the road and back to 51 when I looked out the window to see this girl completely waste. She was no longer moving after she hit the ground and I told Cruz to stop. I hopped out of the truck and ran over to hear coughing coming from the girl.

"I have to stop winding myself."

"You gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry." Was all she said in response.

"Don't drunk skate."

"Do you mean don't skate drunk?"

"Yep. That's the one."

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen. Nope. Fifteen."


"Cassie Mills. Nice to meet you." She said but didn't look at me.

"Kelly Severide, nice to see you again." I said and looked down at her.

She stood up quickly and hugged her stomach while she looked at the ground.

"Wow. You've grown."

"Mhm. No longer 4'10. I'm now 5'6."

"That's good. Why are you drunk?"

"I'm not."

"Walk in a straight line."

"Where's the line?"

"Stay where you are. Now walk to me." I said as I walked away from her and then stood in front of her but further away.

"You are drunk." I said and caught her as she went to fall.


She ran over to the bushes and started to throw up. I walked over to her and held her hair back as she started letting it all out. I gave her a mint to suck on before leading her back to the truck and grabbing her board.

"Where are we going?"

"Are your parents home?"

"Nope. They are in Spain."

"Okay. You can come back to 51. We have a spare bunk."

"She'll probably be sleeping on the bathroom floor." Said Cruz.

"Where's my bag?" She asked and started to panic.

"I have it. It's safe." Said Gallo.


I looked back at her to see her dropping in and out of sleep. She rested her head on Gallo's shoulder and snuggled up to him. He looked down at her and gave a small smile before hugging her into his side.

"Isn't she the kid who was looking for her parents a year ago?" Asked Capp.

"Yeah, she is."

"Why is she so drunk?"

"I don't know but she said something about her parents being in Spain."

"Left her here?" Asked Gallo.

"I think so."

"How horrible." Said Cruz.

When we pulled up to the firehouse, Cassie started to stir and ended up waking up. She looked around in panic, not recognising her surroundings. I quickly hopped in the back of the truck and held her hand to tell her it was okay. She looked down at me with teary eyes as she started to sniff.

"C'mon kid. You need sleep and water." I said as I picked her up and got her out of the truck.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying this book, it's a bit sad, sorry about that. Also, I've just bought myself a longboard, (a type of skateboard) if anyone had any tips, please let me know. I have no clue how to skate.  :)

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