Yniee(flipping her hair)- Ikrrrr!!

PHE Teacher- okay Students you can to your classes now. The result of today's class will be shown till next week on The notice Board.

Students- THANK YOU SIR!!

Then they left to their respective classes.


At school, in lunchtime. Today was pretty unusual Yniee was kinda not so active and was looking pale too. Spinz got worked well to say he was freaking out.

Spinz- Noona....

Yniee(sign)- Yea?

Spinz- What happened to you? Huh?

Yniee- Huh ? Why? Did I bring the wrong nourishment drink? No way That's impossible!

Spinz- No that's not it. I'm saying that you look so dull today! You are not active as usual!

Yniee(sign)- I- myself don't know what happened to me?! My stomach is hurting too-

Spinz (worried as fok)- WHAT! Why does you stomach hurting? Did you eat something unusual? Did someone accidentally hurt you? I swear will foking break his/her bones !! Should be bunk and visit doctor?-

Yniee- Yaah.. Yaah... STAAP! No one hurted me and I didn't ate anything unusual too. I just don't know why my Stomach started to hurt around from 2nd period!

Spinz- But- I what-aghh- what should be do now? Let's go and visit school nurse!!

Yniee- okay, let's go!

Spinz- Now first eat something !

Then they did there lunch. Now both were heading to nurse room. They were at the nurse door but Yniee felt something stingy down there, so the left to washroom. Spinz left behind her and waited for her outside the washroom. After few mins Yniee came out with trembling legs.

Spinz- Noona what happened? why did your left the nurse room and hurriedly left to washroom? I-

Yniee- Spinz listen! Please go to convenience store and - bring me pads! please!! Rest I will tell later.

Spinz- but-

Ynice gave him money and pushed him a little.

While going.

Spinz(in mind)- I'm so worried about Noona! I should go quickly and bring her pads. But wait a foking second I don't even know what a pad is ! Let me google it!
After googling it.

Spinz- Ohh  now I understood why Noona is in so pain! I should go and hurriedly bring her pads.

Then he starts to run and was going to jump over the school gate but the watchman came and stopped him. Watchment Hey! you boy, you can't go out there!

Spinz- I-I'm so-rry bu-t i-t's u-rge-nt.

Watchman- No means No!!

But Spinz somehow jump but his ID was took by Watchman. Watchman left to Principal room. Spinz went to convenience store. There he was confused; what company pads to buy, at last he bought at least 5 different companies pads and he also bought some chocolates. Then he went back at school, he saw no one at the gate so he jumped out and left to bathroom. There he find Yniee waiting impatiently.

Spinz- Noona!!

When Yniee heard that she quickly took pad from him and left inside the bathroom.

Spinz waited for her outside.

Few mins later she came out of the bathroom but she didn't spoke anything. There was an akward silence b/w them. Then Spinz gave Yniee some chocolates that he brought. Yniee took it & starts to eat.

Yniee- Gosh!! It's so embarassing!!

Spinz- I don't think so! Everthing is pretty normal!

Then Yniee smiles.

With that watchman. He straightly left to principal office and told him everything. He also gave the ID card.

Principal- Okay... just keep a close eye silently, if he Come back inform me. I will handle it.

Watchman- Okay Sir!

Then Watchman sit a little far from school gate and kept a close eye on it. When he saws a person entering, he quickly went to principal to inform him.

Present Time.

Yniee & Spinz were sitting on Swing silently, but this time it was a comfortable silence. Yniee started.

Yniee- I think I should go home. I don't think I can handle my first periods without my Maa & Mama.

Spinz- Hmm. I understand but they will be in office right now, I guess?

Yniee- Yeah... But there daughter need them with her, so they'll come really quick.

Then she called her Parents and told them everthing.
(12th standard students are allowed to bring there phone in school )

Yniee- They said they'll be here in 15 mins. They also told me to take my bag and wait at Principal's office

Spinz-  Oka!! Let's go to your class!

Then they went to Yniee class, there Yniee took her bag and spinz was waiting for her outside the class. Few seconds later Yniee come outside of the class.

Yniee- Let's go!

Spinz- Ola!

From the school speaker, something was announced.

From Speaker- Attention please, Spinz from 8th standard come to Principal's office. I repeat Spinz from 8th standard come to Principal office.

Yniee- What you did?

Spinz- Idk.

Yniee- where is your ID card?

Spinz- The watchman took it when I was going out!

Yniee- Fok!! shit! Shit shit shit!! I think something bad is going to happen.

Spinz- you just don't worry about me! For now let's just go there!

Then they went to the Principal's office.

Yniee sit outside the office and Spinz went inside.

Spinz- Yo-u c-all-ed up-on me-e, S-ir?

Principal- Yes! Let me just straightly get to the point, Did you bunked the school?

Spinz- S-ir, I g-ot my r-eas-on-

Principal- yes or no?

Spinz- Yes.

Principal- That is it! I'm calling your Guardian right now!!

Spinz became froze, he just stand there as statue (Obviously head down; face covered with hairs and hoodie), his brain stopped processing anything.

Principal- Your Guardian is coming right away. So you go stand outside. I'll only talk to your Guardian only.

Spinz just went outside. Now he was hella freaking out, his breath starts to became unheavy. Yniee came running to him.

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