chapter 1: putting the TRANS in transmigration

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A/N: this is absolutely Not Beta Read. i do not have a beta reader. also like. heads up i guess? mc's opinion on og shen qingqiu does change, so i just wanna say that! also in true airplane bro logic: do Not think way too hard about anything featured. we live on the house airplane built which is incredibly flimsy, and i will be taking the worldbuilding however i want to. have Fun.

CW'S: uh. MC's has like. Varying thoughts about. Gender here


You do not consider yourself to be particularly of interest. Well, kinda. Ish. You're like, average, except not so totally unnoticeable that everyone immdieantly forgets you after you exit a room. You are a Normal Person. (There's a voice in your head that snarks at that statement- if you were NORMAL, you would not be reading webnovels online! You'd be doing something far more productive!)

But apparently, whatever SYSTEM or cruel god decided that you were like, the most perfect fit for one of the most forgettable wives of all times in famed stallion protag Luò Bīnghé's harem. And you are not a woman. You are A Man. A Man's Man, if you will. Except you are absolutely NOT macho or masculine at all, you would like, combust if those types of guys saw your pathetic little nerd self from your past life.) But now, you have Boobs. And, erm, different genitalia. Which would be like, totally normal for the regular inhabitant of this body.

You are not the regular inhabitant of this body. Which sucks. Why couldn't you have gotten transmigrated into a slice of life anime, hah?! Not freakin' Proud Immortal Demon Way of all things. It's- okay, it's bad, but in a fun way. Like, you have shamelessly read the porn parts. (Which were the most poorly written parts of the stupidly long book. Obviously, great master Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky has never had sex before with a woman in his life.) You have also, without feeling any bit of shame, read on and trudged through the end, Luò Bīnghé posters in hand.

Proud Immortal Demon Way was a mess. But it was an ENTERTAINING mess.

It, however, does not spare you wrath for being the book you got transmigrated into. You're struggling to put this stupid yet extremely pretty hanfu on, something that you, as a modern guy in modern day China, have not done at all, and also struggling not to cry. Good first day as a transmigrator so far.


You do, somehow, manage to put the blue hanfu on, and apparently, this girl has a cool fan. It's a fixed fan, with a wooden handle. Pretty, you absentmindedly think to yourself.

It is, however, not enough to just Stop thinking about your, erm, current situation. You are a guy- you're like, sure of that, at least, you're not a girl- but it's like. Well. You're not opposed to being a girl, having like, a vagina, and boobs. But you'd rather have your good old Tug And Let Loose (god, that is SO horrible sounding, you think) and, uh, not something you blush and look away at everytime you catch a glimpse of your chest. Not your body, not yours to look at!!

Okay. What you mean is that, like, you would not be opposed to being a girl if this was like, your OWN body. Not someone else's that you just got shoved into. And even then, ah, you wouldn't- okay, nevermind! You're actually like, way more content to just shove that all in a tiny box somewhere in your brain.

The System, always one to interrupt, starts up.

[ Host, host! Host should focus on the main quest given to them! ]

Like hell I'd do so, you think to yourself, and also to the system, finally marching out of your room, annoyed. The "main quest" is literally so horrible! Would get you killed a thousand times over, equal to Yuè Qīngyuán's own tragic death!

[ ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ If Host does not comply, host will be punished severely! Host must complete: SAVING THE SCUM VILLAIN, SHĚN QĪNGQIŪ! - MAIN QUEST! Host, as reward, will be granted 5000 B-Points. ]

The System continues on its spiel, simply singing in an stupid AI voice, host will get punished~, blaring throughout your head. You bite on your lips. You want to smash the stupid thing in half, glaring at your newly gained courtyard. It was only 1, but it was. Well. It was there, you supposed- the original goods certainly spruced it up a bit, light blue and white a common color.

....It makes you feel a bit guilty about just, taking over her life. She was probably happy being Luò Bīnghé's wife, and you just- got dumped in her body! At least, maybe this was a reverse transmigration situation??? Maybe she's off in your body now, doing something way more productive than you had ever done.

At least... You hope so.


Xiǎo Dān, the fair maiden's original name, is one of the most least remembered wives. Truly, only the most dedicated of readers of Proud Immortal Demon Way could even remember that she was mentioned. (When you say dedicated, you mean only Peerless Cucumber. That guy was like... Crazy invested into this, always leaving essay length of comments on each new chapter. Sigh. He sure had a crazy Luò Bīnghé merch collection, though- some really rare ones! You remembered the feverish days you spent, desperately trying to place a bid on a super cool statue of the protag.)

But whatever. Xiǎo Dān was really only mentioned in one paragraph, rather than the usual 15 chapters dedicated to Luò Bīnghé obtaining a new wife, and how he had "never felt this way before" when meeting the fair new lady. She was from a nameless sect, and married Luò Bīnghé for the benefits. But of course, Great Master Airplane had said later on in the paragraph, she fell in love with Luò Bīnghé once she met him!

Yeah. Of course she did. Bah.

The System pings in, once more- [ Host, host! Does host need to be reminded of his main mission! ]

"No, no! I think I got it very well already!" You squeaked the sentence out, desperate to not rehear the way of how you must save the freakin SCUM VILLAIN of the novel. The person who made Luò Bīnghé blacken so much, guy who made the entire Cang Qiong Mountain Sect fall over in attempts to mend his own wrongs.

The System does an mechanical humming sound right back at you. Which is incredibly freaky.

[ (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ This System wishes Host great success in clearing his mission- good luck! ]

You groan out loud.

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