Bucks for a donkey

Start from the beginning

"You poor soul"

"Okay but, then I have some spare coin in my bag... But I doubt I can even buy a duck for that amount"

"Then think a little, you have a brain, some how you are magically able to make fire, so why not use it?"

"To make more money!?"

"Now you get it"

Heather glanced around "I have just the thing" she said and ran to a tree, picked up a branch that was rather dry and held it up "Okay burn this..."

"Wh... Why!?"

"Just do it! I'll show you"

"Hmm~ Waste of energy if you ask me, I hope you will find the blacksmith in the next town for this"

"No–! You said it yourself, I nearly died!"

"Then where will I get more fire!?"

"Listen to you! Its just fire here fire that, fire-fire-fire feed me fire human! You're just like a spoiled brat! And a greedy damn one!"

"I'm a demon! I get to be greedy!"

"No, no more fire for you"

"Oh? Is that an order?"


"Very well, let's see if you like me punishing you then"

"Oh I'm so scared, if you take control over my body that will just weaken you until you can't move anymore, and I'll take my body back"

"Neh? What if I give you constant endless orgasms until you faint!?"

Heather gasped "Oh~"

"Never mind... I'll give you random orgasms in front of people, that should embarrass the shit out if you!"

"Okay–! I'll get your fire soon, now burn this stick!"

"Very well, let's see what you brain has come up with" Charka said and the fire erupted around the branch.
It burned happily in Heather's hands and she just stood there allowing it to happen.

"And then?"

"Give it time..."

The stick still burned and Heather kept standing with it.


"Its burning too slowly! Amp it up a little!"

The fire grew bigger around it and that worked faster, soon the fire died down and the stick crumpled to ash, but that made Heather frown.

"Let me guess, that's not what you wanted to happen?" Charka asked.

"Its supposed to turn to coal right?"

"Seriously? Should I smack your face again?"

"No! Wood burns to coal! Its obvious!"

"Wood burns to charcoal... Not coal"

Heather groaned "Oh come on! I thought for sure it burns to coal!" She said and grabbed the blanket as it slipped off again.

Opening it she saw her sexy body was slowly shrinking back to normal "Oh foei!" She said.

"You just wasted valuable energy"

"Okay, I get it, what do you suggest then?" Heather said folding the blanket again and noticed she can now see past her breasts to the ground.

"Walk to the road again, and head on to the next town"

Discouraged at her brainpower Heather hung her arms and continued on, Charka saw this language about her and realised maybe she was a little hard on her, the girl tried, she had to give her that.

As Heather walked she suddenly felt a spike between her legs and stopped clenching them, it was just a quick one but it had her still.

"H... Hey" she said.

"Cheer up, you'll make it eventually"

"Pff! I'm stupid, you said it remember? And I just proved it... Oh~!" Heather cooed being cut off by another tickle in her loins.

"What are you doing!?"

"I'm trying to cheer you up" Charka said and released the full force behind what she could do for Heather and the woman bucked slamming her legs together moaning.

"S... Stop~!" She said but the feeling of pleasure made her gasp and bite her lip.

"Just relax and let me help you a little" Charka said spooling and twisting her from the inside.

Heather collapsed to her knees groaning, her hands clasped her pelvis as pleasure flooded her passionately.

Then as her orgasm rushed her she fell sideways gasping, Charka continued with more subtle movements during the orgasm allowing it to last longer, Heather's gasp ended breathless and she laid there with her mouth wide and eyes closed.

Then as soon as the moment passed Charka stopped, Heather though she did nothing was breathless, spreading her arms over the grass and finally opened her legs again.

"Oh my that was amazing" she said panting.

"There, you look way more cheerful now"

Heather swallowed smiling "Still thought for sure wood becomes coal though"

"Coal is fossilized plant material, one would think you being a miner would know that?"

"I'm a diamond miner"

"Well, you learned something, now get up and let me show you how you'll make enough bucks for a donkey"

Heather rose slowly but felt her knees trembling, hut the blanket yet again slipped from her "Not again!" She said grabbing it.

Firstly holding it open to see her body now almost completely back to normal it made her a little sad "Hey, sorry Charka"

"Don't sweat it..." She said and giggled "Get it?"


"You can't sweat anymore thanks to me, anyway, let met just settle a little" Charka said and Heather felt her move.

Goosebumps rose on her skin at the feeling then with slight discomfort Heather saw her belly swell up again, not very large, maybe two or three months pregnant looking.

"Oh, back where we started hey?" She said.

"It seems, now head to the road"

Heather threw the blanket over her belly and tucked it in that way, now she really did look like a pregnant woman with her blankey.

"Aw, aren't you sweet?"

"It helps keep you warm right?"

"You know, that's actually true, so it seems despite the fact that you're not the smartest tool in the shed, your compassion makes up for it"

Heather smiled warmly "That's a nice thing to say"

Reaching the road again Charka told Heather to pick up some of the white sand that it consisted of.

"Now hold it in both hands and keep it away from your body"

"Okay?" Heather said holding her cupped hands out.

A flame erupted but sheer, hissing like a blow torch and it actually had Heather flinch away from it, after a few minutes the fire died and Charka giggled.


Heather looked in her hand and to her surprise there lies something clear like diamond, hard, see through even more so then crystal!

"What is it!? Its beautiful!"

"That my dear, is called glass"


Lemme know if I should add some more frequent kinky stuff?

I kinda let the story run and If nothing comes up then I try wangling it in.

Thanks again.

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