"And this is what I am! If you don't like it get out!"

Charka remained quiet but Heather asked as she ran "What will even happen if you suddenly get out of me?"

"I... Well I..."


"I'll burn up into nothing, that mountain, and now your body is all that keeps me alive, I'm kinda like a symbiote"

(A/N: Venom... You know what a symbiote is right reader? Had to find some way to explain it, but watch, poor Heather doesn't know these modern things)

"A symbiote?" She asked.

"Never mind! I need a host okay!" Charka said.

"Oh! So you really are a parasite?"

Charka made Heather's one leg act strange and it crossed tripping her other making her go down face first into the grass.


"Don't call me a parasite!"

She held her face but the most damage she took was her oversized breasts that broke her fall, she turned on her back and hugged them.

"Oww- That really hurt Charka!"

"Not my fault you wanted to be plump and busty!"

"You made me into this! I didn't ask!"

"Oh stop whining, last I remember you were worshiping your own boods, wierdo"

Heather got to her feet again when another scream came out the trees, she started jogging in that direction holding her chest snugly.

"Don't trip me again!"

"Don't call me a parasite, I'm forced to live with you, I give you amazing abilities, be a little more grateful!"

"So you can't survive without me?"


Heather took a breath and gasped regaining her stamina "Okay! I'm sorry, sorry I insulted you"

"Thanks, and, I'm sorry I hurt you"

"Guess I deserved it, oh, and I'm sorry I ran through the water"

"That's okay, sorry I called you stupid"

Heather giggled "Okay, we made peace, let's find out what's up in here" she said coming over a crest.

There she found a woman, she looked teenager and had pitch black skin, long pointy ears that stretched past her head and bleak white hair.

Her eyes grey instead of white and her irises a violet purple, on her backside, shimmying away from a very large bear.

Heather recognized the attire, leather bra like chest piece and leather loin cloth "Oh heck! Its a dark elf!" She said.

"You don't like them right? Good, there will be blood after all" Charka said.

The bear was known as a Dire bear, some sort of magical transformation that happens to the animal once its killed in a magical way, and of course a cruel way.

If the bear suffered during its death by the means of magic, it is revived as a dire bear and grows three times the size of your average Grizzly.

Wolves even go though it, eagles, pumas, jaguars, it all depends on the animal, and of course how it died.

"I can't let her be eaten" Heather said seeing the panic on the dark elf's face, she had no weapon and no means to defend herself.

"Did you just show pity to something you feared? Well done!"

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