Heidi and Charlotte

431 16 1

Months before graduation

Charlotte: my sister invited us for their house warming dinner....are you girls available this weekend.
Heidi: yeah I'm available this weekend. But isn't it too late for their house warming? It's been months since they moved in.
Charlotte: P'Nam said it took them awhile before organizing their stuff. And if you saw their place before... oh it's a mess
Marima: anyways... want me to pick you up with my new car?
Heidi: oh my goodness your parents finally bought you that pickup?
Marima: yup.
Heidi: so who's coming to dinner?
Charlotte: just us 3.
Marima: still no P'Chompu?
Charlotte: nope.
Marima: ok what time should I pick you up?
Heidi: 6pm?
Charlotte: I'm so excited.
Marima: ok I'll get Charlotte first then we'll pick you up at your dorm.
Heidi: copy.

Marima: what the hck are you wearing? Is this like a formal event?Charlotte: no it's not

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Marima: what the hck are you wearing? Is this like a formal event?
Charlotte: no it's not... i just like to dress up for once.
Marima: ok fine. Let's go get Heidi.

At Heidi's dorm.
Charlotte: I'll go get her. Just wait here for us.
Marima: yeah just hurry up so I won't need to park the car.

*knock knock
Heidi: coming
Charlotte: oooh looking good.
Heidi: you too. Let's take a picture first before going downstairs.
Charlotte: Marima is going to be pissed.
Heidi: why?
Charlotte: just wait for it.

Marima: ok this is it. You two take the cab.
Heidi: hey come on.
Marima: I look like your driver.
Heidi: want to change upstairs. I got other dresses you might like.
Marima: no it's fine. Let's go.

*P'Nam and Baitoey's house warming dinner.

Heidi and Charlotte: hi
P'Nam: hi come in. thanks for coming... why are you dressed like that?
Marima: exactly! Hi P'Nam
P'Nam: hi Ma... what's with your friends?
Marima: i don't know.

Baitoey appears from the kitchen serving them drinks.
Baitoey: they look so cute. They look like a couple. Are they dating?
Marima: what? No no no...
Heidi: not yet.
Marima: woah....what's going on? Charlotte?
P'Nam: Char?
Charlotte: oh no we're not dating.
Heidi: yet
Marima: Heidi?
Heidi: what?
Marima: stop joking around. We've known each other since we we're little. I know you... you're the flirty type.
Heidi: excuse me!
Marima: not Charlotte please.
P'Nam: ok excuse us. This is a serious talk with you girls.
Heidi: that's very hurtful Marima.
Marima: I'm sorry but...
Charlotte: Ma it's ok. I'm ok with it.
Marima: you're ok?
Charlotte: yeah. As you said. We've known each other for a long time. So I know when she's being serious. And I think right now she is being serious.
Heidi: I am. I'm not sure when it started. But I think I do like Charlotte more than a friend.
Marima: so are you two now a couple?
Heidi: not yet.
Marima: ok I'm confused
Charlotte: no we're not a couple.
Marima: but you said you're ok with it
Charlotte: what I meant was. I am ok with her having feelings for me. But I didn't say I also have feelings for her. I still see her as a friend. That's it.

Heidi got a bit upset with what her friends said. She got friendzoned by Charlotte and Marima doesn't believe her feelings towards Charlotte.

Evesdropping from the kitchen
Baitoey: awe 👏 👏 👏 Charlotte is a good friend 👍
P'Nam: ok girls are you done with your talk. Can we start eating now? The foods getting cold. This is supposed to be a house warming dinner.

Heidi: sorry for the sudden drama.
Marima: yeah P'Nam sorry for the awkward situation
P'Nam: it's fine. We are a family here.

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