The past and the present

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Marima/ Chompu: what was that?
Charlotte: huh?
Beauty/Mari: girl, are you two dating?
Charlotte: we are just... COLLEAGUES.

The day after the party. While everyone was relaxing at the beach in Bali

Nudee: Khun Chompu
Chompu: yes Nudee?...oh by the way great job. I like the villa you choose.
Nudee: uhmm P'Faye texted me. She said happy birthday.
Chompu: oh I already forgot she's your sister. Funny she still remembers.
Nudee: actually. They saw you earlier
Chompu: what do you mean saw me? And you said they?
Nudee: uhm ok disclaimer. I didn't tell my sister we were coming to Bali. Since this is supposed to be a surprise party for my boss. It's just so happened that they are also celebrating their anniversary here in Bali.
Chompu: oh you mean she's with her girlfriend right now here in Bali celebrating their anniversary. Ok great.
Nudee: yeah they were here at the beach earlier. I didn't saw them. P'Faye just texted me.
Chompu: oh ok.
Charlotte: maybe you should invite them tonight at the villa for dinner.
Chompu: when did you get here. I saw you at the villa earlier.
Charlotte: I was already here even before you started talking so don't blame me for evesdropping.
Engfa: I agree invite them tonight
Nudee: boss!

During dinner
Faye: hey thanks for inviting us. Happy birthday Chompu
Chompu: thanks
Faye: this is my girlfriend Sulux

Beauty and Mari whispered: are you ok?
Chompu whispered back: I'm fine.

SuLux: hi nice to finally meet you. happy birthday. Also happy birthday E.
Engfa: small world huh. Thanks
Charlotte/ Faye: you know each other?
Engfa/Sulux: she used to date my ex.
Charlotte/ Faye: who?

Everyone was surprised at Charlotte asking the question. For Faye it is understandable to ask your parter about their ex. But for Charlotte, she clearly said yesterday that they are just colleagues.

Meanwhile the secretaries are having a whispered conversation
Tina: what's going on? Why is my boss's ex girlfriend having dinner with us?
Nudee: you mean my sister.
Tina: yes. Why is your sister here with her girlfriend having dinner with us
Malaika: the bigger question is how did Khun Engfa know your sister's girlfriend.

Marima: Char why are you asking questions like that?
Charlotte: like what?
Chompu: like you're dating Khun Engfa
Engfa: well to answer the question. I used to date this girl Helena then after we broke up they started dating.
Sulux: but now I'm dating Faye.
Engfa: I'm also dating someone now.

After that statement. Everyone looked at Charlotte as if they were waiting for her to confirm their relationship. After dinner Engfa and Charlotte is now the talk of the town.

Charlotte went to Chompu's room before going back to her room.
Chompu: I'm not sure what to feel right now. I mean I'm supposed to be happy since I get to have a free vacation trip on my birthday. I'm with friends and family. But after seeing her again....with someone else. I feel lonely right now.

 I feel lonely right now

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Charlotte: I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you.
Chompu: tell me the truth. Are you 2 dating?
Charlotte: no we're not. And that's the truth. It's just that we have gotten closer since last year's Christmas party. Remember when she was alone at the bar. And everyone was enjoying the party. I approached her that time. That's when I realized she wasn't the cold person that everyone was talking about. She was actually warm and nice.
Chompu: so you're close now. Like friends.
Charlotte: yeah friends. More like sisters  for now.
Chompu: for now?
Charlotte: hahahaha

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