Chapter 2

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School went really well today, which included the short meeting I had with Mr Anderson

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School went really well today, which included the short meeting I had with Mr Anderson. He listened to my concerns about getting to and from the hospital, and he's arranged transport with Dr Roberts. This means every Wednesday after school, someone is going to pick me up from here and drive me over to the hospital and take me home at the end of the night.

Now, I'm at home, debating on what I should wear for my very first day at work. Despite meeting Gabe—and the scary man, and the nice girl—yesterday, that doesn't quell my butterflies. I have no idea what station Ben is going to have me working at, which is my fault.

I should have asked so that I can mentally prepare myself in advance. Am I going to be in the kitchen? Should I have practiced cooking meals yesterday instead of doing homework? Or am I going to be serving? Should I have practiced some lines ready for greeting people?

Do I need pants or a skirt? I didn't get cold whilst sitting with Gabe, but what if I'm stocking the freezer? I don't have the outfits needed to work in the kitchen... I don't have a hairnet. Would that be provided?

I'm going to be terrible at this.

I wipe away the tears, not willing to ruin my first day. I wear a very similar outfit to yesterday, since Ben had the chance to tell me it was inappropriate and didn't. But this time it's a pink skirt with a pretty white blouse. I pair the outfit with some ballet flats, that should still be comfortable even after a few hours wearing them, and since I will probably be on my feet all day, I'm going to need them.

I grab a jacket, and put my purse in my pockets, just in case. Once I've locked up, I make the short walk to the diner, and Gabe greets me at the doorway, a smile on his face. I wonder how long he's been standing here.

Would it be selfish to ask Ben to place me with Gabe whilst I learn? Yes, probably.

"Hey pretty lady," Gabe says. "Let's fix your hair, and then we can figure out where Uncle wants you, okay?"

"Sure," I murmur. He quickly does my hair into two braids, before leading me into the back where Ben's office is.

"Uncle," Gabe announces, walking in. He doesn't even knock, and I pause in the doorway hesitant to follow him in.

"What do you want?" Ben answers, not looking up.

"Where do you want Sang?" he asks.

"Hello little bird," Ben says smiling, giving me his full attention. Gabe rolls his eyes, but smiles anyway. "Where do you think you'll be most comfortable? It's completely up to you."

"I'm not sure," I reply. I want to work with Gabe, but I don't know if that will be a hindrance to him or not, so staying silent will probably be the easiest thing. Then he can place me where he thinks I'll do the least damage.

"Well we can put you on the register for today," he tells me. "One of my nephews is coming in soon and he can show you how it works."

"Okay," I tell him. I hope his nephew doesn't mind having to train me.

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