Bullseye - Pete "Maverick" Mitchell

754 8 1

Set: dogfighting scene/ classroom scene

Word count: 1152

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"Good morning, aviators. This is your captain speaking," his voice sounds through the comms as Payback, Fanboy and I are up in the air, "Welcome to basic flighter maneuvers. As briefed, today's exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of 5'000 feet. Working as a team, you have to shoot me down, or else."

I chuckle: "Or else what, sir?"

"Or else I shoot back." I can practically hear Maverick's grin.

"What say we put some skin in the game?" Payback says. I look to my left and see him and Fanboy looking at me through the window.

"What do you have in mind?" Maverick asks.

"Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push-ups." Payback says.

"Whew!" I excaim.

"Guys, that's a lot of push-ups." Maverick says into the comms.

"They don't call it an excercise for nothing, sir." Fanboy laughs.

We wait for Maverick's answer: "You got yourself a deal, gentlemen. Fight's on. Let's turn and burn."

"Fanboy, you see him?" Payback asks.

"Nothing on the radar up ahead."

"He must be somewhere behind us." I say.

Out of nowhere Maverick shoots up in between us and throw us off edge and to the side.

"Damn it! What the hell?" Payback exclaims.

"Shit!" I say, backing away.

"Tally, tally, tally! Maverick's coming in! Break left!" Fanboy shouts.

"Breaking left." Payback answers and tilts the f-18 to the side.

The jets fly by each other and I get closer to Payback again.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Tally, tally, tally! Maverick at six o'clock! Break right!" Fanboy shouts and Payback does what he says.

I break left, Maverick follows Payback.

"That's a kill." Maverick says.

"Shit." Payback exclaims, "Heading back to base."

Maverick now turns his jet to follow me.

I head for a couple of mountains, him following me.

Making lots of quick turns, it gets harder for him to get to me.

"You're good, I'll give you that." Maverick says, "But not good enough to beat me."

He flies out of a last corner and sees that my jet disappeared. I used that opportunity to do a cobra maneuver and land behind him.

"You sure about that, Captain?" I grin and get a clear shot.

"Bullseye." I say.

Maverick laughs: "You're the only one to have ever done that, Skyhawk. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir."

I chuckle and we fly back to base. When we get there, everyone else is waiting for me at the landing pad, cheering for me.

I laugh and get out of the plane, accepting their fist-bumps and compliments.

"Way to go, Sky!" Phoenix laughs, patting my shoulder.

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