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TW underage drinking, sexual harassment (MAYBE!!!)

Max instantly regretted what she said to el. She was also fighting the urge to go back to her caravan and steal more alcohol, or smokes. She really tried, but she caved. The caravan door creaked open and once again Susan was most likely not awake. So, max took this to her benefit and snuck to the cupboard, finding a bottle of vodka. Definitely stronger than whiskey but she didn't care, she wanted to forget everything.

"Max, what are you doing?"

The ginger startled, almost dropping her bottle. But she turned to see her mum, cross armed and obviously tired. Max sighed and started to walk away when her mum grabbed her hand.

"Max, tell me whats going on. You can tell me, you know." She almost pleaded.

And with that, the other girl shrugged the hand away, turning to face her mother again. She saw that this time her mother actually had tears in her eyes.

"I can't just tell you. Y-you act like you care when you don't! You brought an abusive man into my life and did nothing when he would beat the shit out of me so don't act like you care!" Max yelled.

Without listening to her mums answer, she ran off. Her skateboard in hand. As she was riding on it, she fell of. Obviously some sort of rock tripped her, but she didn't care. Until she saw a car run over her skateboard, snapping it in half. She stood, dumbfounded. Until she finally ran over to it, grabbing it and screaming. She smashed it against the curb, kicking it over and over.

"Fucking piece of shit!"

She kicked it until she felt tired, panting. Max took her bottle of vodka and took a swig of it, the liquid felt like fire as it traveled down her throat but thats what made it all the more addicting. It hurt so good. But she wouldn't stay there, so she ended up wandering around the town whilst taking swigs of vodka every now and then. People gave her questioning looks as to say 'why is a 16 year old drinking' but she gave them the look of 'fuck off'. As she wandered she found herself walking towards els house, but she was again drunk off her faced as she finished the last mouth full of vodka. And then she found herself knocking at her door. Then she found herself in front of el.

"Hey- el, i am real sorry-." She slurred until she collapsed, the brunette holding her.

El had no idea what to do, she had never seen max like this before. So she plopped the girl on her couch to call will down. He came down and immediately knew what was up.

Max woke up, still drunk. Maybe only a hour after she had passed out, but she had no clue where she was. That was until she saw the familiar brunette walking towards her. Now, no one really knew max was a bad drunk but el was about to find out. The ginger got up, walking towards the girl in the kitchen. She was cooking...something. But max payed no mind to that, instead she slid her arms around els waist, startling her.

"Max! You scared me."

She tried to turn around but max had blocked her, surprisingly since max was a tad smaller than el and weaker than her. Max snuck her head in the nook of els neck, leaving small kisses.

"M-max, stop."

But max didn't stop.

"Max! Please!"

Finally, max stopped. Her hands flew up above her head as to show her innocence. El studied the girl for a moment before deciding the girl was still drunk.

"Go sit down." El said with a stern tone.

"Why should I, hm? Plus, why'd ya stop me. I'm ya girlfriend." She teased.

El did not tolerate nor appreciate the max was right now, she was acting like a jerk. So el did the only reasonable thing, she pushed the girl down on the couch.

"Wow, eager are we? Thats fine, I don't mind it when your needy." She flirted, winking.

But the brunette didn't give up, holding max down with her powers as she got a glass of water. She walked over to the ginger and passed her the drink, which max refused.

"Uh, no way! I ain't taking a drink from some stranger." She looked away and pouted.

El sighed, putting the glass on the table. She couldn't be bother to pry maxes mouth open so she let the girl to herself, so she could sober up. El returned to her bedroom but max instantly got up to follow her.

"Come on, why ya avoiding me? Leaving so soon hm?" She asked, almost tripping on the stairs.

Once again, el ignored the girl. But she didn't let up, instead she walked into els room.

"Look, we may not be on the best 'o terms but ya gotta forgive me, i mean come on who can resist this cute face. And sexy body." She said winking.

El was really beginning to get sick of drunk max, not really knowing half the things max was saying but it annoyed her to the fullest.she tried to ignore her but the girl was loud, very loud.

"Shut up!" She finally cracked.

To which max froze, then held her arms out again as if she were getting arrested.

"Calm the hate man! I'm just pretty fucking bored so ya can't blame me!" Max sarcastically joked.

El sighed, rubbing her temples. She couldn't handle this so she called someone who could. Nancy. As she told her what happened, it almost seemed like nancy had dealt with drunk max before. El hoped she hadn't, though max was annoying she didn't enjoy seeing max so hurt to the point of drinking. Nancy arrived at els house and sorted max out, finally getting her to calm down and get to bed.

A/N me when mermaid bar😍😍😍 anyways, im updating again straight after this. Byee! See ya! Pls tell me if it was considered sexual harassment!

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