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"Will, i think i like max."

"WHAT!?" Will dropped his pencils and swiftly turned to face el.

He then began to think, it did make sense. All the times he caught el staring at maxs lips, at her eyes. All the romantic gestures. It all pieced together.

"Well are you going to tell her?" He asked.

She shook her head and sighed, she couldn't do that when max had only just woke up mere days ago. El also wouldn't dare tell her this because she was basically a stranger to the redhead.

"B-but she gave me a letter, when we left for Lenora. She said she loved me."

Will already caught on, though max would never admit it herself, she was definitely in love. He could see it in her eyes, just like he could see it in els eyes. They were like a old married couple.

El reads max's letter on days where she feels useless and hopeless. She reads the letter to try and feel closer to max, to try and feel like max does remember her. And when she gets to the end, she finds it always signed love, max, never changing. It reminds el that someone had loved her all along. For who she is, with or without her powers. On her good days and on her bad days. Someone had made her feel like she isn't a monster and it was never mike. Max had showed her how to live, how to be herself. She had even been there when el didn't want a bar of her, when el refused to talk to the red haired girl because she was a threat to her relationship. Now el knows that she didn't want to talk to max at first because she was scared, scared of loving some one else other than mike. Because mike had found her and sheltered her, she felt that her way of saying thanks was to be with him.

Will had been watching the way els face softened, how the corner of her lips turned up into a smile. The way her cheeks reddened, she could tell el was thinking of max. He had a great idea, to bond with his sister. Well he would call them twins because really, they were exactly like each other. He spun around to his tape player and popped in the mixtape that Jonathan had played him. Though he had never really been a queen fan, he found himself jumping out of his seat and dancing to bohemian rhapsody. Then he grabbed his sisters hands, pulling el up with him. They danced as the night went, the room full of laughter as the mixtape went on.

"I heard max gets out tomorrow, maybe we should let her stay here?" He said amongst the silence, music becoming mere background noises.

His sisters eyes lit up as she smiled, but then her smiled faded and her brows furrowed with confusion.

"Where would she stay?"

Will made a face of thinking, but he knew exactly where she would sleep. Unless el didn't want to.

"Your bed? Or, the pullout couch in the office." He smirked at the face el pulled when he said her bed.

Els face exploded with blush at the possible idea of max in her bed, she didn't know why it affected her so bad. They had slept in the same bed at sleepovers. Maybe it was proximity that max would be in. Her face only got redder as she began to think about max beside her, how she would be able to feel the girls body heat. And maybe the possibility of snuggles.

"I'll take that as your bed, but we do have to tell mum."

She nodded and removed her hands from wills, the both of them making their ways downstairs. She was giddy with anticipation, the thought of snuggling max and reading to her. It was all so much, but not too much. When they asked Joyce, Joyce was absolutely open to the idea. Actually offering to pick her up from the hospital.

El lay in bed, her gaze concentrated on the ceiling as she shamelessly thought of max and all the things they could do together. She found her self smiling and giggling. El knew she definitely had feelings for max because she never did this thinking about mike. Her stomach never did flips when mike would kiss her but when max merely hugged her she felt like she could die. That night el dreamed of max, the way max reminded her of daisy's and the sun. This night was els first night in months that she  actually slept, all other nights being interrupted by nightmares. Though this time she slept contently.

A/N this was basically just me projecting myself onto el. Me and el are the same person fr. Anyways i hope this was the wholesome fluff you were looking for, have a good day/night<3 i also wrote this listening to bohemian rhapsody so yes enjoy that lil easter egg lol

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