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TW vomit

Max woke up with a grumble, stretching out as much as possible. Her head was killing her, it was thumping. And she felt like throwing up. As she sat up she saw the glass of water and pill, which she took immediately. But then almost straight after she needed to throw up, and she hadn't had the smallest idea of where she was right now. With a quick inspection of her surroundings, she finally figured out that she was at the wheelers house. But she had wasted enough time, max ran up the stairs to the bathroom. She held her hair back and hurled over the toilet, gagging and throwing up. Nancy heard footsteps so she went to investigate, instead seeing a puking max. She rushed over to the girl and kneeled beside her, holding the gingers hair up. Nancy slowly rubbed maxes back to soothe her.

"Thats it, get it all out." She said softly.

After max had thrown up, she was feeling considerably better. She also took a shower. Max looked at herself in the mirror, bending down to wash her face. She didn't recognize herself. Alcohol? Smoking? She promised herself she wouldn't go down this path, the same path her brother went through. But maxes thoughts were interrupted when mike walked through the doorway.

"What the fuck." He said.

And max repeated the same, giving him a scowl. He called out to Nancy who in turn told him that Max needed a place to stay. But mike still wasn't happy, which max did not look forward to. So she left, quickly.

El paced the family video store, she had heard what happened through steve. Max had gotten totally drunk and basically passed out on Nancys couch, well thats what steve said. Max decided to go to the video store because..well why not? As she entered el heard the familiar bells ring so she looked over to see max. She ran over to her, taking max into a deep embrace.

"Max! God max, you're okay." She sighed.

Max pushed the girl off her though, turning to leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Max you can't just leave. I thought you were hurt!"

Again, max shrugged off els hand and turned to look at el.

"I can and i will. Why do you care anyways?" Max retorted.

El started to cry, going to hug max again which surprisingly max gave in.

"I missed you." Is all el said.

And max burst into tears, gripping onto el like she was the last person alive. But then she let go.

"Y-you don't mean that. I know. I'm just like my fucking brother, running off and getting drunk. You should just leave me." She mumbled to which el grabbed her again but max stepped back.

"Just...i think we need a break."

Max left, not looking back at el whose legs had given out, she was sobbing on the floor.

A/N a bit of a boring small chapter, more like a filler. This is cause ive been slow asf on the updates lol, anyways wnjoy the elmax angst.

ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora