Chapter 1- Introductions

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I waved goodbye to my parents and walked to the bus stop holding my F/A teddy. I take it everywhere otherwise i'll have panic attacks much easier. Anyways, i arrived at the bus stop and checked the bus timings. The bus to the shop would be about 10 minutes to wait for. Something distracts me making me drop my teddy, i panic a little but bend down to pick it up. Only... It's gone! I have another small panic until i see a small owl hopping away with a big sack into the forest, my teddy on top!

Without thinking, i run after it. "Since when were owls thiefs!?" i think to myself. The dark brown- and tiny- owl hops into an abondened house or shack. I rush after it as fast as i can without looking around or even thinking! Wierdly there is a bright light, something happened- i don't bother to check what- and luckily the owl stops hopping away so i grab my F/A teddy fiercely. After i hug it only then do i look around.

There's a really pale adult lady staring at me in shock, also a girl i recognise from school- her name begins with an L i think, a dog on it's hind legs with a skull and horns on its head and the tiny owl on the adult's shoulder. Also i'm not in the abandoned shack house thing anymore...

"Um... Hi. Luz there's another human. Do you know them?" The pale adult asks.
"A bit. They go to my school! It's the person who never speaks and carries that teddy everywhere. I think their name was... Ugh i forgot now!" 'Luz' says energetically.
The small dog thing speaks, shocking me, "I say we keep 'em like we kept Luz! Please Eda?" he mumbles something about my teddy i don't quite hear.
"You human?" i nodd as the lady asks me, "What's your name?"
I stay silent, having an internal panic attack.
"Woah hey, are you okay?" Luz asks as i notice my cheeks wet.
I nodd my head and turn around wanting to leave. Only the door is gone, yeayyy(sarcasm yeay)!
I look back the other way where the people and dog thing are.
I sigh and pull a notepad and pencil out of my pocket. I start to write.

I'm Y/n. I'm mute so i don't or can't speak. Who are yous and how does the dog thing talk? Also, where am i?

I pass them the paper and hug my F/A teddy a bit tighter. They seem to have a silent debate about i think who's going to tell me but i can't be certain. After a few minutes they look at me, my E/c eyes meeting their gold(adult) and brown(Luz).

"Ok. I am Eda the Owl Lady! The most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles! This is my house, The Owl House. The dog as you described him is a demon named King." the pale adult- Eda says.
"I'm Luz, Luz Noceda. This is the Boiling Isles. I'm also human, Eda is a witch. As she said King is a demon. There's also Hooty who is another demon but he lives as the house, he is in the door." the girl-Luz says.
"HIYA HUMAN! Hoot." A bird owl worm demon thing says. I guess that is Hooty.
I wave at him shyly.
"Oh darn it! Amity! I have to get my Azura book back off Amity! Hey Y/n, you wanna come? It's a good chance too meet people and i can show you the Boiling Isles!" Luz asks and says somehow at the same time.

I shrugg my shoulders and nodd. Luz is very eager and grabs my hand pulling me out the door. I wave bye with my hand that is holding my teddy as i catch up with Luz a bit more. She is very fast, like very very very fast! She stops on a cliff.
"Look! That's Bonesborough! That is where we meet Amity. It might be a bit busy though but don't worry i'll be with you the whole time! Okay?" Luz explains.
I nodd, and pull her in for a hug. I whisper in her ear, "Thank you Luz."
She looks at me shocked but delighted. She is only the 4th person i've ever spoke too for as long as i remember(as long as mute).
She holds my hand again and leads me to Bonesborough to meet her friend, Amity.

I stay stuck in my thoughts, thinking about everything that has happened. I actually spoke to another person! We really do just click. My parents would be so super happy, i think they'd even let me stay here as long as i'd visit them! Well after they threaten Eda and Luz to protect me that is.

"Amity! This is Y/n. They came through the portal today also they struggle with speaking. How did you find the book!?" Luz explains excitedly.
"Hi Luz. Hi Y/n, nice to meet you." Amity starts, i nodd and smile in return. "Cool. The book was... Fine."
I give her a look that says "tell the truth we all know you enjoyed it"
She sighs looking at me & Luz. "Fine. I enjoyed it."
I smile happily as does Luz. Suddenl two people pop up behind Amity. A girl and a boy with green hair.
"Mittens! I can't believe she admited that! Woah 2 humans!? Luz hi who's your friend? Aww what a cute teddy!" The girl says.
I smile even bigger, this place and the people are so nice and friendly.
"Sorry, they insisted on coming. To make up for the library incident. Oh Y/n they're twins. -" Amity gets interrupted by the twins.
"We're Amity's older siblings. I am Emira but you can call me Em." the girl says.
"Edric. Call me Ed." the boy says.
I write down on paper and pass it to the two.

Hi, nice to meet yous! I'm Y/n. Also i'm mute and struggle with speaking. Thanks Em, it's a F/A teddy. Yous are nice too btw.

"Awww! Your so sweet! I have no idea what that is but it's cute. Are you going to Hexide too?" Em and Ed say in usion. Exept Ed doesn't say aww.
"I wish you two would leave us alone. But are you?" Amity says.
I look to Luz confused, she seems to understand my question.
"Oh um Hexide is the school here. But i think Eda might want you to wait a bit before you start. If you want to stay that is. If you do you need to know some magic too." Luz explains.

"You need to know 2 spells otherwise you'll be put in the baby class. I'm sure Luz knows plenty of spells though, right!?" Ed says whilst Em agrees.
I glance at Luz, still holding her hand, and notice she looks nervous but tries to hide it by agreeing and smiling. I figure she doesn't know 2 spells then. I pull gently on her hand, Luz then leads me back to the Owl House after saying goodbye to her friends whilst i waved bye at them. Luz makes an excuse saying she needs to train with Eda.

We get back to the owl house. Hooty saying hi and talking about random stuff. King asleep on the sofa. Eda in the kitchen. Luz beggs Eda to teach her another spell even if it's dangerous-which i shake my head viciously making Eda say no to dangerous spells- as Luz only knows one. Luz then demonstrates that spell she knows. Its a circle on paper with a bird looking thing in it. She taps it, the paper crumples into a ball and lights up. I sit, mezmorized by the floating light.


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