30- The Left-Side Bed

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"Let's get ice cream," says Angelique as we emerge onto the street. It's a little more crowded now, which I don't mind. It means I can hide. A bus roars past us, and Videl wrinkles his nose at the exhaust fumes.

"What the hell is ice cream?" asks Videl, "And the answer is no."

"Ice cream is a delightful, cooling treat," says Angelique, "And the answer is yes if I say it is yes, because I make my own decisions, thank you very much."

"I can see that," says Videl, his fangs hanging over his lips.

"Can you like, retract your teeth?" I ask, "You're going to scare people."

"Good," says Videl.

Apparently, nobody notices Videl's fangs, but several girls notice him anyway. As we walk down Main Street, several lock their gazes on them, and whisper to each other, giggling. Videl, who unfortunately does look sort of attractive with his messy golden curls, his chiseled face, and his glittering nose ring, is either extremely oblivious to this, or he doesn't care. Regardless, his gaze only falls on a couple of them in half-interest before eventually returning to Angelique.

I look at Angelique. She is pretty, definitely pretty, but not typically pretty. She has an unusual facial structure and a sharp nose, but her dark eyes and hair are beautiful, and her body extremely feminine. I'm jealous, to be honest.

The Ben and Jerry's is crowded with kids, although none look like they've been at school today, which is sort of weird. It reminds me of when Andrew, Jack and I had gone for ice cream before I went to Asgard. And then, as the chattering of excited people surrounds me, my shoulders fall as I remember Asgard, only a couple of months ago. I remember the beautiful clothes, the open sky, the towering columns. But mostly, I remember Loki. How he had held me when I was scared, letting me cry out my anguish. How he had lifted me on Stjarna and spun me around at the festival. How he had been trembling when he had saw me dead in his dream. And-


I jerk my head up. Videl is peering at me through his glittering, liquid amber eyes. His brow is furrowed, and his nostrils flaring from all the unfamiliar smells around him. "Are you all right, Thea? Angelique asked you something, pay attention."

"Uh," I say, putting my hands behind my back and fiddling with my fingers. "Sorry, what?"

"You're okay," says Angelique, who is sniffing the air appreciatively, "What were you thinking about?"

I open my mouth and then close it. My chest feels dull again.

Angelique changes the topic, although Videl is giving me a half-annoyed, half-knowing look, "Anyway, I was asking what ice cream flavor you wanted."

"I don't need any," I say, which isn't true, but I don't want Angelique to buy me anything else.

"No you don't," agrees Videl.

Angelique rolls her eyes, "Well then wait here with Videl while I get something."

She has left my side for precisely two and a half seconds when Videl leans in and says, "You were thinking about your father, weren't you?"

My shoulders fall, and I focus my attention on watching Angelique's bobbing head walk through the crowd towards the counter. "At least I haven't been thinking about having sex with Angelique."

"What did you just say?" he demands.

"Just leave me alone, Videl," I say and slouch against the wall, my back to him. I hear him shifting behind me, but doesn't say anything. I realize I had been holding my breath for him to apologize to me, but why would he apologize for hurting my feelings when he hasn't even apologized for killing my baby sister?

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن