"Master Aikawa?"

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The next morning, we all met in the main hallway. Rika started mentioning what happened while he was captive. I wasn't paying attention though, I'll admit I was too busy still processing what happened the night before. I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped a bit, but it was just Mayuko. "You alright? I think it'd be good to pay attention right now." I shook my head and looked back at Rika, "Right! sorry.."

I ended up zoning out a bit though. damn.. my attention span is not that high- maybe that was apart of my 'normal' life before this? I snapped back to reality when I heard the name 'master ai' "what a minute.. who?" Rika looked at me, along with a few others. "Master Ai was what they called him. Apparently he can control a few masks as well." the name sounded familiar, but I couldn't tell where from. Everyone was staring at me like I knew something they didn't, it was unnerving. "Hey, y/n you okay? you don't look too good" I looked back at Yuri who looked concerned. "I..uh.. have to go!" with that, I ran off.

I went to the roof, I always found it sort of calming on top of them. I took deep breathes and calmed myself before the talk I was gonna have to have with everyone later. how.. how would I know this, Ai? cmon think, think! I started hitting my head with my fist to try and get myself to think. "Hey, don't do that. you'll hurt yourself." I was startled and immediately got out my knife and pointed it at the person behind me. We stood for a second before I felt sort of bad, it was only Sniper after all. "sorry.. I'm a little on edge right now.." "I can see. you wanna talk about it?" I put my knife away and looked back to the other buildings. I sighed and put my head on my shoulder. awe man.. well, if it's gonna be anybody, might as well be him.

"so.. you know whoever Ai is, but you can't remember how?" "basically, yeah." the way he put it sounded less complicated than I thought it was. we were standing and talking on the roof, when all of the sudden, the whole atmosphere changed. One minute we're talking and having a bit of fun, then the next.. fighting. I could faintly hear gunshots in the distance while I regained some sort of consciousness. ugh my head.. it feels like I was hit with a ton of bricks.. what's happening? I did my best to look up at the scene before me. There were a couple other masks, not allies. And everyone was fighting, well, everyone.

I cant.. I can't just sit here, but I'm too hurt to do alot right now... damn it! you need to do something y/n, come on! "Master Ai, the work is being done as we speak." that name.. I've got it! just hold on for a little bit longer.. I stumbled up and over to the edge of the roof where I could see the guy they called Ai. It took a little more then it should've, but I shouted out to him. "Hey! asshole in the coat!" He looked up at me in confusion and some of the others looked at me as well. "Hey! look, I don't know how, but I know we know eachother okay? so I need to talk to you about it." the mask beside him looked towards him and they both shrugged. please say you will.. for mine, and everyone's sake!

(okok I know this chapter might suck compared to the rest, but I finally got the motivation to do this. granted it's at like, 3 am God damn it- anyway, working on part 2 right now! ehe-)

"Through Thick And Thin" A Sniper Mask x Fem! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now