Catching feelings?

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Kuon POV

I was able to get into her mask controls. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you?" My voice rang out. "Here" I heard her say, but in a worried tone for once? "I'm here to help you!" I said with a confident voice. "You will not keep this girl in sleep mode anymore! You must listen to me, one closer to god!" Following this order will also make her one closer to God, one closer than you. Do you wish to proceed? "Yes!"

Back to Y/n POV

Was that Kuon? Couldn't be.. maybe? I have no clue whats going on anymore. I opened my eyes to see Kuon and sniper looking at me with worry in their eyes. For some reason, sniper looked the most worried. Yuri and Mayuko soon entered the room, Yuri was running to me crying, Kuon explained to me that I was out for another 2 days after she helped me, while Mayuko took sniper to another room to talk to him about something.

Mayuko POV

I pulled the mask aside to ask him some things. "So" I started, "What do you think of Y/n? And be honest, I won't tell her" he started to get nervous. It wasnt any of my business, I was asking him about it because Yuri wanted to know, she just couldn't ask him herself. "I- well uhm.." he stammered. I couldn't see through his mask, but I could tell he was blushing a little. "C'mon just spit it out already!" I almost yelled at him. "Okay okay! I like her, quite a lot.. I think, I don't really know yet" I sighed, annoyed with his answer. So he can't tell if he likes a girl or not? Jeez, he's either stupid or doesn't know feelings "look, you either like her or you don't. Now pick one, yes or no?" He gave me an annoyed look. We sat in silence for a good minute, probably him processing which one it is. He looked up at me, and calmly said "Yes.."


Holy shit.. he likes me?..

"Through Thick And Thin" A Sniper Mask x Fem! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now