Zheng Qingyan, who has worked hard for many years and is proud of it, was so underestimated and angry, "I like it like this. Without the gorgeous packaging, how could this flower look so beautiful!"

Feng Shuo looked back and said solemnly, "I'm sorry. ."

Zheng Qingyan was stunned, wondering if he was overreacting.

Feng Shuo said again, "Let's go back? Don't make the guests wait for a long time."

"Well. It's almost time to cut the cake." Zheng Qingyan felt that everything was back on track, and smiled happily.

The whole birthday ceremony will be videotaped, and Zheng Qingyan deliberately went back to his room to check his appearance.

After checking, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Luoningxi. He posted a custom-made picture of a gorgeous big cake and a video of the preparation of the fireworks. He also said, "Brother come quickly. Let's blow candles and watch the fireworks together."

Luo Ningxi actually replied: "Blowing candles is unsanitary, and fireworks are not environmentally friendly ."

Zheng Qingyan smiled with satisfaction.

This is so sour. Sure enough, Luoningxi cared.

He took a screenshot to show his friend, and the friend sent a breathless laugh, "He's just jealous of you! What a country bumpkin!"

Zheng Qingyan was relieved to hear it, thinking that he had finally made a comeback.

He went downstairs to find out where Feng Shuo was. As a result, the lights hit him all of a sudden, and the host started to stir up the atmosphere, "The birthday star is coming. Turn off the lights and light the candles!"

Zheng Qingyan walked to the center of the stage in the sound of blessings, listened to the birthday song, and blew out the candles on the top floor , then called relatives and friends to come and blow together.

Accident happened.

Friends who drank too much sprayed the wine, leaving sporadic red spots on the cake's white buttercream. Another relative who was not too young broke his breath, coughed wildly, and spittle all over the cake and the people around him.

Zheng Qingyan's face turned green.

The people in the audience were far away, but they could clearly see the water droplets sprayed under the lights, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It's all drool, it's disgusting."

"I don't want to eat it."

Zheng Qingyan didn't want to eat this cake anymore, and gave the host a wink.

The host went up and said to everyone with a smile on his face, "This cake is so beautiful, who can bear to cut it? Let's make it beautiful here for a while, and let's go outside the yard to enjoy the fireworks.

" , the city lights in the distance are not bright, the most suitable for fireworks.

Zheng Qingyan looked forward to waiting.

After waiting for a long time, I found that the sky was still dark and there were not many stars.

Zheng Qingyan was puzzled and walked back from the balcony of the best viewing position. "What's going on?"

Zheng Haiyi was also puzzled and shouted, "Where is the person in charge!" The person in charge of the

castle manor rushed over and came up with a bow, "I'm sorry! We have been notified by the security inspection that we cannot set off fireworks for the time being."

"Why did the inspection suddenly?"

"Someone reported us that the fireworks were illegal and the castle was a fire hazard. We must cooperate, and we can only ask you to stop the party." The

person in charge said in a voice Great, everyone in the room heard it clearly.

Zheng Qingyan felt that his head was buzzing, and he almost couldn't stand.

Other guests were also unhappy.

"No cake and no fireworks?"

"No, no, if something goes wrong, we have to live here."

"This time, it's wasted."

"The Zheng family is still spending money in vain, and it's a shame."

Zheng Qingyan's face became even more ugly when he heard these comments. He suspected that it was Luo Ningxi's fault, and wanted to call and scold him.

He took out his phone and saw a message first.

Feng Shuo: "Sorry, I'm going back first. You have to pay attention to the time and rest early."

This is a bit strange. The banquet is not over, how to say it is time to rest.

Zheng Qingyan thought for a while, and noticed that the message was sent two minutes before the host announced the fireworks. And rest early... The banquet is suspended, of course he can only rest early.

Zheng Qingyan shuddered suddenly, regretting what he had done for the first time.

He shouldn't provoke Feng Shuo.

Luo Ningxi's old number has been used for too long and has been bound to many apps. He started to untie when he was free, and was busy when he saw the message from Zheng Qingyan.

He was a little annoyed, and said casually, and he did so based on his own experience.

Sheng Mingchuan held a banquet for him and made an eight-layer cake and large fireworks. He really felt that a good cake was a little uncomfortable being blown by a group of people, and also felt that the smell in the air after letting off the fireworks was very strange.

After he finished fighting, he continued to untie. After unbinding, I turned off my phone, completely forgetting that I said such a sentence.

However, the Zheng family's banquet was really messed up, and the guests didn't eat the cake and didn't see the fireworks.

Sheng Mingchuan happily called to announce the good news, "Laughing to death, Weibo and Moments are complaining that the Zheng family is an idiot hahaha! I took a screenshot of the picture, you can take a look!"

Luo Ningxi didn't bother to look at it, and asked about something else, "Where are you? Is it the company?"


"It's 8 o'clock, isn't Shen Haofeng's recording over yet?"

"You can come and watch it yourself."

"Forget it, I don't want to put pressure on Shen Haofeng."

Today is the day of Shen Haofeng's recording.

For Shen Haofeng, the pressure of the first single was too much, and the producer Peng Jianrui happened to be a person who pursues perfection. It took most of the preparatory work alone, and the recording started at 15:00.

Five hours passed, and there was still no news.

Luo Ningxi was really in a hurry and asked Sheng Mingchuan.

Sheng Mingchuan disliked it, "You don't want to put pressure on Shen Haofeng, but put pressure on yourself?"

"Hey, let me see."

"I went over, and their pressure is even greater."

Luo Ningxi thought about it, " Then let's take a look at the monitoring?"

Sheng Mingchuan snorted, "Is it necessary?"


"Okay, okay, I will log in to the system to watch the monitoring, and then share the screen with you."

Luo Ningxi waited for a while, and finally I saw the surveillance screen.

Shen Haofeng was singing in the recording room, Peng Jianrui was in the control room, waving a stick of paper rolls and cursing, and the recording engineer sat nervously upright.

Monitored in the radio room, only Peng Jianrui's voice could be heard, "Wrong again! What's the matter with you!"

Luo Ningxi frowned.

What the hell.

Shen Haofeng bowed slightly, as if to say sorry.

Luo Ningxi felt distressed, and had the urge to call Peng Jianrui to talk. However, he was watching the surveillance secretly, and he didn't want Peng Jianrui to find out, and he didn't want to put more pressure on Shen Haofeng.

Most importantly, he didn't want to stop Shen Haofeng from progressing.

Luo Ningxi took a few deep breaths before suppressing the urge to continue to be a silent bystander.

Now is the break time, Shen Haofeng picked up the little rabbit water bottle he picked up and was drinking water, Peng Jianrui stared at it, and suddenly laughed, "My God, I really laugh at it once. How could you buy this kind of water bottle. "

Shen Haofeng said something that couldn't be received by the surveillance camera, and his mouth was: "My wife gave it."

"Uh..." Peng Jianrui smiled, "Having a wife is amazing! Go on!"

Luo Ningxi first discovered that Shen Haofeng was calling him his wife, and felt novel, so he stepped back and took another look - when Shen Haofeng said that, his eyes became gentle, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Luo Ningxi laughed unwittingly.

Just call your wife.

For some reason, Shen Haofeng's recording performance suddenly became much better. Originally, after recording for a long time, I felt a little dejected. After drinking water, it was like being beaten by chicken blood.

Luo Ningxi complained a little, "Have Shen Haofeng eaten? The recording engineer ate chocolate, Peng Jianrui ate bananas, Shen Haofeng even drank water..."

Sheng Mingchuan smiled, "What's the hurry, you can feed him later. Bah ."

Luo Ningxi felt that the smile was a bit wretched, but didn't think about it. Because in the next second, Peng Jianrui suddenly clapped his hands and announced, "OK! Perfect! Finished!"

Luo Ningxi immediately picked up the phone, "I want to call Shen Haofeng, bye."

"Hello!" Sheng Mingchuan wanted to speak.

Luo Ningxi turned it off directly, unlocked the phone and found Shen Haofeng calling.

Shen Haofeng's voice was very happy, "Ningxi, I've finished recording."

"It's hard work. Have you eaten yet?"

"You're not hungry after eating snacks. You won't wait for me, right?"

Luo Ningxi felt a little guilty , "No, I'll eat it myself first. What do you want to eat? I'll ask Uncle Quan to make it for you."

"Let's eat noodles. By the way, I want to order a cake. What flavor do you like?"

Luo Ningxi still remembered Shen

Haofeng dried the picture of drinking water, and instructed, "Come back and talk. You eat some snacks before driving. If you are really uncomfortable, take a taxi. Don't force yourself." It's inconvenient to call, see you later."

"Okay." Luo Ningxi was going to ask the cook to make a note.

He was polite, but Uncle Quan, the cook, was embarrassed, "What kind of overtime is this? You eat less, and I haven't worked much here since I came here. By the way, tomorrow is your birthday, what would you like to eat?"

Luo Ningxi He was already prepared, "I don't care, my friend ordered dishes. We are four of us for dinner, you can choose a few dishes to cook."

He didn't like the excitement, so he only called Sheng Mingchuan and Ning Yi, and Shen Haofeng also Just four people.

Uncle Quan nodded, "Do you need to make a cake? I know a few pastry chefs."

"No, Shen Haofeng said he would order it."

"Okay, then I can make dinner. Now make a hand-rolled noodle and add beef. Toppings and eggs?"

"Well. Can I watch you do it?"

Luo Ningxi can cook some home-cooked dishes, but really can't roll noodles.

Uncle Quan saw what he was thinking, "Want to learn? Come on, I'll teach you."

Luo Ningxi studied seriously, and stopped after ten minutes, "Wait, the phone keeps vibrating, I'll answer a call. "

Luoningxi found that the caller ID was Sheng Mingchuan, don't panic, wash your hands first. After washing my hands, I found that the phone was hung up, so I took off my apron. It only took a second to take off the apron, and then I realized that Sheng Mingchuan had called the next one.

You don't want to waste even a second, isn't it urgent?

Luo Ningxi picked it up immediately, "Hello?"

Sheng Mingchuan was very excited, "Major news! Feng Shuo dumped Zheng Qingyan and left early. After leaving, he went straight to a place, guess where it is?"

Luo Ningxi did not Concerned, "Forget it."

"It's a pleasure to meet! Feng Shuo is really good, and he will have a new target after he gets rid of it. Is his next target an auctioneer there? Or which artist he likes and wants to buy a piece of. Chase after..."

"That's what you want to say?"

Sheng Mingchuan ignored his disgust and continued to babble, "No, Feng Shuo is also a sea king, maybe he likes the two?"

Luo Ningxi noticed the key words, "Also?"

"I still know that I am talented. However, I am much stronger than Feng Shuo, and I will give others a name. Feng Shuo only recognizes people with good family background and good education, and the others are all equal. If you say it's a friend, tsk tsk tsk."

Luo Ningxi said the truth, "He only cares about his family background, right? If his family background is good, his education is generally not bad."

Sheng Mingchuan said something else, "Hey, that's not right. Feng Shuozhen When I was inquiring about the artwork, I asked about "Danque Autumn Peace". Isn't this the painting you bought? You also said that you bought the best-looking one in the series."

Luo Ningxi was stunned, "Wait, I'll go. Take a look in the study."

"What are you watching?"

"You video with me."

Sheng Mingchuan didn't know why, but he still did as he instructed, "What's wrong?"

"Can you see the painting behind me from this angle? "

Yes! It's such a big picture, it's blind if you can't see it. Wait, does this have anything to do with Feng Shuo?"

Luo Ningxi thought thoughtfully, "I hope not, but I accidentally made two videos with him before." Seconds."

Luoningxi repeated the matter.

Sheng Mingchuan's expression became solemn after hearing this, "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"


"Feng Shuo may really be here for you."

"What about the good news? "

We knew ahead of time."

Luo Ningxi sighed, "Does he want to use me to retaliate against Zheng Qingyan?"

Sheng Mingchuan's disgusting expression showed, "What do you think? Are you jealous of the leftovers?"

Luo Ningxi frowned, "I'm not food."

Sheng Mingchuan was stunned and realized that something was wrong, "Oh, sorry, my analogy is not good."

"Seriously. He's really looking for me, what am I going to do?"

"Take Shen Haofeng out for a walk. Feng Shuo has a heart, but he really hasn't intervened in other people's feelings. He knows that you have a boyfriend, so he shouldn't have any trouble. One step."

Luo Ningxi found it easy to solve, "Well, it can also prevent him from falling in love with Shen Haofeng."

"You don't know much about attributes, right? Feng Shuo is the same as Shen Haofeng, how could it be possible to meet eyes."

"Ah? Why are they? Same?"

Luo Ningxi really didn't understand what that meant.

Sheng Mingchuan cheered up, "Speaking of this, I'm in good spirits. This has to be said from the top down..."

Luo Ningxi noticed that there was movement in the yard, "Don't talk about it, Shen Haofeng is back."

Sheng Mingchuan was shocked, "So soon !"

Luoningxi has ended the video.

This is from Sheng Mingchuan. Sheng Mingchuan often pays attention to sex over friends, and runs away after half a word with him.

He went downstairs, just in time to see the door open. It wasn't Shen Haofeng who came in, it was a moving bear doll. The little bear doll is very large, estimated to be about 1.8 meters, and it hangs in the air, but it blocks the face of the person behind it.

Luo Ningxi recognized Shen Haofeng's shoes at a glance, "Come back."

Shen Haofeng stuck his head out, smiled and shook the bear in his hand and asked, "Cute?"

Luo Ningxi only glanced at the doll, then looked at Shen Haofeng He laughed, "It's cute. How did you think of buying this."

"Birthday gift. Blessing is the first, and the gift is also the first. This bear can also record, I recorded a section, you can wait until 0 o'clock to listen to it. ."

Luo Ningxi didn't quite understand, "Why don't you tell me directly?"

Shen Haofeng said solemnly: "This is called a sense of ritual."

Luo Ningxi also nodded solemnly, "Well, let's eat noodles."

"I took the doll up and changed clothes by the way. Staying next to Peng Jianrui for too long, it smells of smoke, it's very uncomfortable."

"Okay. Do you want to eat upstairs?"

Shen Haofeng shook his head, "Let's go downstairs. You first Eat, I'll be down soon."

In order to catch up, Shen Haofeng ran, and when he got to the room, he grabbed a piece of clothes and changed. After the change, he ran back in a hurry, and when he passed the study, he suddenly remembered something.

Did Luoningxi watch the surveillance?

Shen Haofeng wanted to know, and quietly entered the study. He knew that Luoningxi only used the computer when he was working, and he had no time to send messages when he was busy. Just now, Luo Ningxi sent him several messages. It was not in working state, so the host was hot, which was the evidence that Luo Ningxi entered the company's system to see the monitoring.

Shen Haofeng touched it, and the corner of his mouth raised when he felt Yu Wen.

Wait, Luoningxi left the phone here.

Shen Haofeng glanced at it more, and happened to meet the bright screen. He wanted to turn his eyes away, but he didn't control his subconscious reading and read that piece of information.

[Hello, I'm Feng Shuo, I want to apologize for the rudeness just now. 】

Shen Haofeng immediately became nervous.

Isn't this the stinky boy who fought with him when he was a child? Why are you texting his wife? Also, why is it rude?

Shen Haofeng was already hungry, but now his stomach was twitching with anger. Unhappy and unhappy, he still had a trace of reason, knowing that Luo Ningxi was waiting for him downstairs, and went downstairs to speak with anger.

Luo Ningxi sat at the dining table and waited obediently without playing with his phone or watching TV. Staring at the noodles, he lowered his head slightly, so that he could only see the thick eyelashes and the delicate tip of his nose, pursed the corners of his lips, and his cheeks were slightly bulging to look soft.

Shen Haofeng felt that his heart was purified at a glance, and he couldn't help laughing, "I'm here."

Luo Ningxi raised his head, reflecting his bright eyes, "En."

Shen Haofeng was stunned again, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

So cute and so worrying.

Shen Haofeng thought of the "rudeness" in the message, and he didn't know what it was like to eat noodles. After eating two bites, I asked while blowing noodles, "Did you go out today?"

"No, rest at home."

"Is everything okay?"

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"Just casually asking . ."

Luo Ningxi was silent for a moment, then said, "I seem to have caused trouble."

Shen Haofeng immediately put down his chopsticks, "What's wrong?"

Luo Ningxi said in one breath, "Someone has a grudge against Zheng Qingyan, and heard about me again. Having a grudge against Zheng Qingyan, the next step may be to pretend to like me."

Luo Ningxi still felt that she was being used as a tool for revenge. He felt that Feng Shuo had flirted with so many people that he would not fall in love with him at first sight because of the two seconds of the video.

Shen Haofeng frowned, "Who is he?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, when he was looking for me, you made an appearance? He knew that I had you, and he would definitely retreat."

Shen Haofeng insisted, "Who is it? Luo Ningxi felt that Shen Haofeng was terribly serious at the

moment, and regretted it, "Don't get excited, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Shen Haofeng sighed and asked in a slow way, "Why do you think so much?"

"He Go to Appreciation Society to inquire about the paintings, which happened to be the series I bought. Oh, Appreciation Society is..."

"This is not a coincidence. Who is he, tell me." Shen Haofeng knew what Appreciation Society was, and his eyes sank. , in a low voice with unquestionable seriousness.

Luo Ningxi was frightened by Shen Haofeng's aura, and said obediently, "His name is Feng Shuo."

"Oh, people from the Feng family."

"You know the Feng family?"

Roninci felt more and more strange.

Shen Haofeng was stunned for a moment, then blinked back to his usual cheerful smile, "I know, I can read the news."

Luo Ningxi still felt weird and wanted to ask.

"I understand. If he finds you, he must tell me." After Shen Haofeng said this, he picked up his chopsticks and continued eating noodles.

Luo Ningxi didn't ask, but was still a little confused.

It turned out that Shen Haofeng was jealous, so terrifying.

Luo Ningxi plans to abandon the habit of going to bed on time at 11 o'clock today and celebrate with Shen Haofeng at 0 o'clock.

In order to refresh himself, he and Shen Haofeng watched TV together, chatted about the recording, and ate some fruit from time to time. The TV show was boring, and he played on his phone at the same time.

Shen Haofeng glanced at it, noticed the WeChat interface and asked, "Did he look for you?"

Luo Ningxi didn't like to see Shen Haofeng's fierce look, and didn't mention the text message. "No, I'm looking at Aning's mailbox. I haven't read it for a long time, and I haven't read it for a long time."

"Did Feng Shuo not look for you?"

"Not yet." Luo Ningxi reached out and patted Shen Haofeng, "Don't get excited."

Shen Haofeng He Hem Ha Ha hugged him, "I'm afraid you'll be taken away."

Luo Ningxi hugged him freely, and touched his head, "No."

"Then I'll ask you. If you are single, would you consider banning you? Shuo?"


"What if he has nothing to do with Zheng Qingyan?"

" No."

"What if he doesn't care?"

"How do you know he cares?"

Shen Haofeng was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and said seriously, " The news said. Ning Xi, don't you watch the news much?"

Lorninghy: Indeed. He only brushes Weibo and short videos.

Shen Haofeng followed and asked, "You haven't answered me yet."

"No." Luo Ningxi was helpless, "I don't like that."

"Really?" The corner of Shen Haofeng's mouth rose.

Luo Ningxi nodded, "Really, do you want me to swear?"

Shen Haofeng held Luo Ningxi's hand and asked with a smile, "He doesn't look very good, right?

" The assumptions have been broken for several minutes. He knew why there were so many chat records between Sheng Mingchuan and his partner, and sighed, "Well, it's far from you."

Shen Haofeng also knew that he asked a lot, so he raised a finger, "I'll ask one last question. If my family is as rich as the Feng family, would you be happy?"

"Not happy."


Shen Haofeng's smile disappeared instantly;

Luo Ningxi glanced at it, "You want me to be happy?"

"No, I think the family Having money is a good thing. Why are you unhappy."

"Because I feel good now."

"Isn't it better to have money?"

Luo Ningxi frowned just imagining, "No. There is a gap between the super-rich, and I didn't think about getting in touch with them more. I'm comfortable earning my own money, so why look at other people's faces.

" Hongwei, you said he was amiable."

"Because I'm not familiar with him, he has to be polite."

Shen Haofeng was stunned, "Don't you like getting along with Gu Hongwei?"

"Well." Luo Ning said straight Bai said, "For me, that's social entertainment."

"It's not the same when it's mature, right?"

Luo Ningxi was puzzled, "How could it be ripe?"

"He likes you very much, maybe he will ask you out for dinner."

"Ah?" Luo Ningxi was stunned, "Why?"

Shen Haofeng pretended to be joking, He thought in a relaxed tone, "I think you are like his son. His youngest son is 25 years old, about the same as you."

Luo Ningxi was at a loss, "I'm tired of flattering, and now I want to treat him as a father?"

Shen Haofeng was also at a loss, "I didn't mean that. I..."

Luo Ningxi was still aggrieved, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "Why are you talking about this?"

Shen Haofeng also found that he asked too many questions. He kissed the center of his forehead and said softly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this. It's almost time, I'm going to prepare a birthday surprise, you wait."

Luo Ningxi thought of having a happy birthday, and also raised a smile, " Okay, I'll wait for you."

Shen Haofeng was very confused, and made excuses to walk away.

He repeatedly thought about what Luoningxi had said, and was a little puzzled. He heard Luo Ningxi say that his father was amiable, and heard his parents praise Luo Ningxi directly, thinking that the family would definitely be able to pass.

However, Luo Ningxi defined it as "entertainment" and did not want to have more contact with his family.

Shen Haofeng sighed, took out the prepared ring box and stuffed it into Bai Xiong's pocket, threw away the greeting card that said "Take you home", took out another one, and only wrote "Happy birthday, love you", Sign and go.

It happened that when he went downstairs, it was 59 minutes and 40 seconds to count down, and he could finish the count when he walked to Luo Ningxi, "3, 2, 1...happy birthday!"

Luo Ningxi hugged the bear and looked at the greeting card first, "Thank you, Hmm? You signed it wrong?"

Shen Haofeng realized that it was wrong.

He actually signed the name on the card as "Shen Xu".

"I'm sorry, I'll write a new one." Shen Haofeng panicked and wanted to get the card back.

Luo Ningxi squeezed the card tightly and said seriously, "It doesn't matter. You wrote it wrong, and I like it too. However, the way you wrote it wrong is very special."

Shen Hao smiled dryly, "Really?"

Luo Ningxi recognized it carefully, "Well, it's written about Shen..."

Shen Haofeng accepted his life and held his breath as Luo Ningxi spoke.

Luo Ningxi looked at the flying signature of the greeting card, and then looked at the naive doll. After hesitating for a while, he said two words, "Shen Xiong?"

Shen Haofeng: ? ?

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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