Chris: In a nod to season four's buried treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island.

The map updates itself with a trail

Chris: First team to get EVERY member across the finish line wins. And, someone from the losing team will be taking the big flush.

Duncan: Sounds easy enough.

Chris: It does, doesn't it? But tonight's full moon is an extremely rare Blue Harvest moon. And let's just say it has an "unusual" effect on the island's animals. Villainous Vultures, you won the last challenge, so you get this map with the fastest route across the island.

He pulls out a map. Then turns to the worried Heroes

Chris: Heroic chump-sters, you get to wear nifty bacon hats, and sausage tails.

Chef walks over to the heroes with said meaty apparel, and puts them on the Heroes

Chris: Which should add to the fun when you come face to fang with the island's friendly creatures... and by friendly, I mean hungry. *chuckles*

Mike: *Whispers to Cameron* If the villains have a map of the quickest route...

Cameron: ...we should follow them! Great idea, Mike! 

Zoey appears behind him and whispers something in his ear, Cameron gasps

Cameron: He did what?

He looks nervously up at Mike, who doesn't seem to notice

Heather: This will be a piece of cake.

Chris: On your mark-

Alejandro: *Sighs* you mean a piece of pie.

Chris: Get set-

Heather: Listen you- 

She is cut off by Chris's air horn, which sends everyone running, Gwen cheers

it has gotten darker out. All the contestants are running through the woods

Cameron: Mike, why'd you break my glasses?

Mike: What? I didn't! Who told you that?

Cameron: Zoey made me promise not to say she saw you do it. Oops, sorry, Zoey. 

Mike: Seriously? Aww man, I don't know what's been up with me lately, I haven't been able to reach my other personalities for days, and now I think I might be sleepwalking and breaking things and-ugh, I'm so sorry, Cam.

Cameron: It's okay, Mike. I forgive you. And I promise I'll help you figure it out, whatever it is!

He runs right into a tree, Mike doesn't notice

Mike: You're a great friend, Cam.

he notices Cameron's not there anymore

Mike: Uh, Cam?

Cameron, who is still crumpled into the tree. As he falls, Sierra runs by and catches him

Sierra: Don't worry, Cody, I'll be your eyes and ears and as many nostrils as you need me to be.

Cameron: Cody? Uh, you mean "Cameron," right?

Sierra: Sure. You guys, look!

She drops Cameron and points upwards. Everyone looks up in fear at where she is pointing

Zoey: What in the world...

The moon turns an unearthly shade of blue and emits a pulse of moonlight

Cameron: Blue moonlight? Extraordinary!

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