15- Coronation

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It's been a few weeks since Yeonjun and Beomgyu started dating and they've been doing everything a typical romantic couple would do. They've also been practicing magic together and Beomgyu has gotten a lot better. Since Beomgyu's identity as the ruler of the skies was revealed, the students ha been treating him way better than before. They'd invite him to lunch, give him random gifts out of nowhere and would try to befriend him. But Beomgyu would give them a fake smile and politely reject every single offer.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun made their way to Hayze's office for the hundredth time. They've been really busy, tracking down the creatures from hell, who tried attacking them. But now, they were really vigilant and strong. They had been practicing day and night to improve their abilities and Beomgyu had started learning how to use multiple elements together. They had been taking down all the shadow creatures easily.

They entered Hayze's office to find a very restless Hayze's, rummaging through some papers. As soon as he felt someone's presence, he looked up at them and smiled lightly. "Beomgyu and Yeonjun! You're finally here." "What is it, Grandfather? You did you call us here?" Yeonjun asked. They still had their classes going on and for Hayze to call them in the middle of their lectures, it must be something really important. "Yes, Yeonjun. It's something really important. I won't beat around the bush. Beomgyu needs to be crowned as soon as possible." Both Yeonjun and Beomgyu widened their eyes. "You mean...Gyu has to take on the throne as the ruler of the skies?" Yeonjun asked, stunned by what he had heard. Beomgyu frowned, looking down at the ground. He knew he was not ready for this.

"Yes, exactly. The fire and the earth Gods have started exploiting the earthings. They could launch their attack anytime now and the only person who can stop them is Beomgyu." Beomgyu didn't know what to say. It was his responsibility to protect the realms but he was not ready. Yeonjun looked at the distressed Beomgyu. He gently held his hand and spoke softly. "It's okay, Gyu. I know you're not ready for this. Even if you reject it, we can come up with another plan. So don't stress over the situation, yeah? We'll get through this together" Beomgyu smiled at Yeonjun and nodded. "Thank you, Jjunie...but I've made my decision. My duty as the ruler of the skies is to protect the seven realms from any potential danger and I'm not going to back out." He looked at Hayze with a stern expression to which Hayze smiled at him softly. "I will take on the duty as the ruler of the skies. I'm ready to be Coronated."

The word had reached the heaven and the gods were now preparing of the crowning ceremony of the new ruler of the skies. A week from now, Beomgyu will be officially crowned as the ruler of the skies. He wasn't strong enough to protect all the seven realms yet, but Hayze and Yeonjun had reassured him that they'll always be by his side alongside hundreds of other gods. Yeonjun and Beomgyu were practicing again. Yeonjun shot fire arrows at him but Beomgyu was able to dodge them easily. Beomgyu had learnt a new technique called 'domain expansion.' He made a huge light castle around him and the castle was able to absorb all the attacks thrown at him. He quickly recited a spell that made a cage around Yeonjun and shut him in. Yeonjun shot several fire arrows and balls to break the cage, but it wouldn't budge. Yeonjun finally gave up and smiled. "Fine Gyu, I give up! You got me this time." Beomgyu released Yeonjun and panted hard. It took him all his strength to defeat Yeonjun. He sat down and closed his eyes but suddenly he was tackled into a hug. "You did well, Gyu." Yeonjun was on top of Beomgyu, hugging him like there's no tomorrow. Beomgyu giggled and hugged Yeonjun back. "I know Jjunie. But get up right now. You're as heavy as an elephant!" Yeonjun pouted and punched Beomgyu, as he got up from the ground and sat down, Beomgyu doing the same. "Are you ready for the coronation?" Beomgyu frowned and shook his head. "I'm not Jjunie. I don't know if I am strong enough to protect everyone. And I'm really scared to face off against the two Gods." A tear escaped Beomgyu's eyes, without him realising it. Yeonjun gently kissed away Beomgyu's tears and hugged him. "I know it's hard, Gyu. But I promise I'll always be by your side. I've trained myself day and night so they I can protect you." Beomgyu smiled and hugged Yeonjun back. He was really thankful to his boyfriend. He gently whispered, "Thank you for being the reason I smile."

Today was the day of Beomgyu's Coronation. Needless to say, he was restless and nervous. They had to ride a unicorn to reach the heaven, as teleporting to heaven was impossible.
They sat on the carriage that was attached to two while unicorns and immediately took off. Beomgyu looked out of the window. From this altitude, he could see six realms that were being hidden by the clouds. He looked up to find a very huge castle, settled on top of a cloud. The entire castle was made of glass and other gemstones. He knew what it was right away. This was heaven's main castle. The castle owned by the ruler of the skies. His castle.

He landed right in front of the castle. It looked massive. Beomgyu started at the castle in awe. Yeonjun looked at the excited Beomgyu and smiled. 'Gosh, he's so cute.' Yeonjun thought to himself and blushed little. "Welcome to the heaven, young prince." Two Gods greeted them politely. "We are
Shen Li and Yue and we will be assisting you today." The three of them greeted Shen Li and Yue and made followed them to the castle. The castle looked really stunning from the inside. With a huge crystal clear chandelier at the centre of the huge hall and a fountain supposedly made of diamond. The three of them looked around, clearly stunned by the staggering interior.

Shen Li and Yue had told them that they were free to choose any of the rooms since this castle technically belongs to Beomgyu. They were told to rest till the evening. In the evening, Beomgyu will be Coronated and will officially declared as the new ruler of the skies. Yeonjun and Beomgyu spent the morning spending time with each other, cuddling, kissing and playing random games. Yeonjun with frequently blurt some cheesy pick up lines and Beomgyu would smack Yeonjun and blush. It was five in the evening when the heard a knock on the door. Shen Li was standing there with a few other servants. "It's time to dress up the prince for the coronation." Shen Li smiled at them and they quickly let them in.

Yeonjun was about to leave but Beomgyu pleaded him to stay. Yeonjun held his hand throughout the entire make-up process. Once they were done, Beomgyu turned to face Yeonjun. "How do I look?" Yeonjun was shocked by how pretty Beomgyu looked with the silvery hair, blue eyes and some make up on. "You look stunning, Gyu." Yeonjun couldn't take his eyes off Beomgyu and kept staring at him with his mouth wide open.

Yeonjun left the room when it was time for Beomgyu to get dressed. Yue had given him a formal attire as well. He went to his room and got dressed. It was a black suit with golden buttons and a white shirt along with some black pants with golden lining. He made his way back to Beomgyu's room and knocked on the door gently. "Gyu, are you done?" "Yes I am, Jjunie. You can come in now." Beomgyu was wearing a while shirt and a indigo colored striped vest with some matching pants. He also had a red cloak around his shoulder. He looked really gorgeous. "As always, my Gyu looks stunning." Beomgyu looked down embarrassed. "Jeez! stop it!" Yeonjun kissed Beomgyu on the cheek and smiled. "Never. Are you ready?" Yeonjun extended his arm and Beomgyu immediately held it "Yes I am."

Beomgyu was seated on the throne with Yeonjun standing right beside him. He had to hold his crown and the sceptre till the gods had recited their chants. Hundreds of gods and creatures from other realms attended the coronation. It was time for Beomgyu to pledge. He recited the pledge and swore to protect the realms and treat the realms equally. The eldest god lifted the crown and announced. "We now pronounce Choi Beomgyu as the new ruler of the skies." The god placed the crown on Beomgyu's head. Everyone cheered loudly and chanted 'All Hail the ruler of the skies.' Beomgyu smiled and bowed at them. He was now officially the ruler of the skies.


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