12- The ruler of the skies

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"A very long time ago, there were seven gods who lived in the immortal realm, the heaven. Each god had a specific element through which they ruled the seven realms namely; earth, heaven, hell, wereland, (I'm bad at naming) netherworld, the land of angels and the land of the dead. The God of rock ruled over the earth and the God of fire ruled over the hell. They god of earth and the god of hell were close and had decided to rule the earth and the hell together. But they were cruel. The earth was the only realm where magic didn't exist and they took advantage of it by torturing the humans to death. They killed the powerless humans and took control over the human realm.

Once the other five gods came to know about this, the immediately decided to take action and reported it to the ruler of the skies. The ruler of the skies was a special diety. As the name suggests he ruled over the entire province. He protected the realms against all the odds and difficulties the realms had faced over the centuries.

The ruler of the skies had decided to banish both the gods from heaven, taking their authority over the two realms in the process. The two gods vanished after their banishment. The earth rejoiced the banishment of the two gods. Due to the harsh situation the earthlings had gone through, they started resenting the gods. Dejected by this fact and to regain their trust and authority over the human realm, they gods decided that it would be the best to wipe out all their memories.

After several years, the banished gods decided to take revenge on the gods and the humans. They had gathered the entire hell on their side and prepared a war against the heaven.
The ruler of the skies was enlightened about this situation moments before the war had begun. He had an infant son and wanted to protect him at all costs. He decided to send his son along with his trusted retainer. Both the retainer and his son successfully escaped the war and landed on earth but as soon as they did, the devils from hell attacked the retainer. He was killed in the process but the devils couldn't find the little infant deity anywhere.

The war had begun. The hell and the heaven went all out. After heaven, hell was said to be the strongest realm. Sure, the gods of the heaven were immortal, but losing a fight could affect their powers and could injure them just fine. The rock god had now decided to attack the defenseless humans. Both the gods made their ways to the human realm in speed of light. The ruler of the skies who was holding a bunch of devils, preventing them from attacking the injured members of heaven, caught a glimpse of the two gods who were now making their way toward the human realm. He quickly pushed the devils aside, injuring them. He followed the two gods as fast as he could.

When he finally caught up with the two gods, he saw that they were preparing to launch their special attack that costed their entire power. It could exterminate the entire human race. Fighting won't be a problem for the ruler of the skies, but saving the entire humanity WHILE fighting would be impossible even for him.

So, the ruler of the skies, sacrificed his soul to protect the human realm. His soul found it's way to the centre of the earth, and created a barrier all around the earth. This barrier countered the gods attack, which looked like falling stars to humans. Both the gods lost their power and the war had finally come to an end.

After several centuries, the gods have finally regained their weakened power, again. They have declared war against the six realms, with hell being on their side. Now you, Choi Beomgyu, are the only son of the ex ruler of the skies, the infant who escaped the war alongside a retainer, the infant that the devils couldn't find and next ruler of the skies.


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