Words and breaths

17 4 2

Soaring .
Flying .
Breaking .
Sharing .
Secreting (Didn't know that was a word)
Yet I don't see the differences anymore
I see actions that people can do
I heard words that describe
It feels like hidden meanings in many ways

You can steal or share
You keep something that you 'claim is yours' but it really belongs to all and the earth we live on
You steal thing from others by claim it as 'yours' or overuse before you could even talk
So when you let someone 'borrow' a object your just giving permission to steal then let you steal back

You share when you let everyone take claim
You share when you leave more for another
When you don't over use
You share ideas
You share a mind
But really there's a blur between the 2 that you ignore

Soaring or flying

Soaring you rise ,move in the sky or moving up/rising with joy with no effort; free from the weights of the world
Flying you move in the sky with any emotion with effort ; still prisoner to the laws of world that were made at day one
Still a blur line that that there the same but there more different

Breathing ,singing, speaking
Breathing you take oxygen in and carbon out, to keep living ; controlled by the part of the brain that can't be fouled to be killed till it's time
Speaking you making your breathing out in to shapes and sounds to the letters then shape then in to word that into sentences that to paragraphs and that to a story; let others now your mind and thoughts, to communicate and make improvements ; to break or built a person , shapes the world; control by the part of the brain that is you aware of and thoughts
Singing the act of making carbon breaths to shaped in words that dance along with you tough and body; true emotions leak out; the soothing meaningful vioce inside creates; controlled by the feelings of the heart (okay sorry have to say this but want look right in poem ; control by the mind part that's confused to be the heart that takes impact of the emotions and feelings)
Are all actions of need of life and breaths that are controlled by the part of brain that can't be fouled by a fake voicing telling it to give up and died , and the one that takes the impacts of the emotions , and the thought/personality part of the brain.
It a combine nation that can blur there lines and make there ties between there 'differences'

Smiling, frowning
Are the acts that the lips forms
Smiling is to show 'happiness'
Frown is to show 'sadness'
But they can both either be both true or fake/ masked emotion.

Hiding ,showing
Bother are actions
Can be done in many ways
Hiding you are puting feeling to the side; no letting other know; no telling; lying; concealing ; 'emotionless'; not obvious
Showing is letting others see the truth; telling; let others know; 'emotional'; truth; inveiw; obvious
Yet they can both be combine by showing half of something; distracting the obvious; confusing; half; equal

Breaking , healing
Both are mental and physical changes
In order to be healed you need to break
And in order to break you need to heal
Breaking struggle; causes be lied to, pretending people, spoken words, hidden words, fake ; tearing/ripping; cracks ; feeling of: falling apart, being torn, losing your self; self conscious; depression; losing friends; tearing out your hair in one pull; broken bones; cuts; stabs; betrayal; suicidal
Healing wounds that get better; mending bones; true friends; confident ; warm; love; caring; a hello; being notice in good ways;
Both are strong not one is weak
If someone is broken and still alive if there suicidal there strong
Both are not something to laugh about

So there all just words that are breathes of carbon dioxide going out of the lungs that are filled with emotions from the heart but also can be removed of it if you want it to and practices to make the words come out with different means and hidden ones

PoemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon