Bad day

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It started when my leader forgot her flute
My fellow flutist decide not to play
My flute refuse to wield
I heard some squeaks
The bass clarinet forgot a note
They slowed to fast!
Why don't you play ?
The director felt lost with disappointment
Oh why can't it play?
A second time and my flute played but I miss a note!
We played again
Then agian!
Then finally it was good and no longer fought the sound
Soon I worked hard but I failed
We were give a speak about if you don't care then go and leave the band
Oh no should I quit, so I won't hold the band back?
Maybe I should just go and die because where would I be without band?!?
Band is my life ,it kept me together when I fall.
Should I give up my sanity for my friends that are like a second family?
Should I just die so I won't suffer and let Lillian replace me next year?
Should I give up my passion for the band?
My cracked heart broke and shattered at that thought
My hope just left and now I'm feel empty
My eye wanted to tear
My head still fills heavy and empty

Just give me one more try!
My heart shatters sang
My hope tried to hold on
"One more try!" The director shout
Great I won't let you down!
My heart's longing had got stronger
Dread become my strength
It grew to passion
It over took my brain
My heart sang out
Escaping it's sorrow to make the music
My foot tapped
It maybe in rhythm maybe not
It just does
It doesn't really matters anyway
My body got in tune with the music
It sounds like everyone found there mojo
My heart sings
My finger dances
The flutes hum
The band is in harmony with each once again
The drums made beat long and clear
The trombone slides out and in to each position
The tuba boomed
The trumpets leaps from high to low like a stead currents
The oboe does it unique song
While the clarinets and flutes join one another in other for the melody that's sings till the soul of even the most broken heals and sings along

Once were done my director dance and praises us ,but my soul breaks when we leave to go were the "friends" shut you out tear your self and even glare at you happiness
The joy is gone it's like music died with the holy band
I shut down my shield hardens my curtains close
My heart is hidden
My mind takes control
I hide in the corner of my mind and listen to the teachers do what I need to do watch others do what I wish I still could do
My heart and soul still at least still hums the song

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