Chapter 19: I look like death

Start from the beginning

Alexis coughs, and when she pulls away from the tissue she sees it covered in blood. Alexis gasps, pulling her shaking fingers up to her lips. She pulls her hand back to see a little spot of blood on them.

She throws away the tissue before washing her hands and mouth.

Alexis backs away from the mirror, from her reflection, away from herself. Away from her broken looking figure. Maybe she really was broken.

To sum it up she looks like death. Her back hits the wall, she sinks to the floor. She brings her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.

She knew this was more than some sickness, at least its more than a regular sickness. Alexis knew something was wrong with her, just like she told Dean. For a second she believed him. His words rung in her head.

"You're perfect." The memory whispers, his voice echoes in her mind.

Tears fill her eyes. He was wrong. She was broken. In more ways than one.

"What's wrong with me?" She whispers to herself.


By the time the Winchesters got back Alexis had pulled herself together. Like her father always said, 'Get your shit together, if you don't it'll kill you'.

"Hey, darlin', I, uh, I brought you some m&ms." Dean sets the bag on the table where she sat. "You doin' okay?"

Alexis looks up at him, putting on a fake smile. "Yeah. Thanks." Alexis reaches out, grabbing the bag of candy.

"Alex, you don't look to good." Sam tells her.

"Wow, Sam, you really know how to flatter a woman." Alexis says, sarcasm dripping from her words. "So, while you two were gone, I found us something to hunt."

"Alright, what'd you find?" Dean sits down across from her.

"So, every couple that moves into this house mysteriously dies. And if that not weird enough, they all die that same way. Suicide. The man always ends up with slit wrists and the woman hangs herself from the ceiling fan." Alexis explains.

"Well, lets go."


"Dean, you're overreacting, she's fine." Sam tells his brother.

"Somethings wrong. She's not acting like her normal self and she looks like she's dying." Dean glances back at a sleeping Alexis in the rear view mirror before turning back to the road in front of him.

"She's probably just got the flu or something." Sam shrugs, trying to reassure Dean.

Dean scoffs. "Then why the hell is she coughing up blood?"

Sam turns to face him. "What? I haven't seen her cough up blood."

"Right before we left I walked back in the room and seen her. Somethings seriously wrong."

"Maybe you could talk her into going to the doctor." Sam suggests. "She'll listen to you."

"Sure," Dean rolls his eyes. "Lexi's not gonna listen to me. I've tried to talk her into going to see a doctor when those spells first started. We thought that they were just dizzy spells, but she wouldn't go. We argued for days about it. She sure as hell ain't gonna listen now."

"She might. I mean, she's obviously not doing good."

"She's not gonna go anywhere to get help. She's gonna say she's fine and it'll get better."

A whimper grabs the brothers attention. They both glance back at the sleeping girl in the back seat. Dean frowns when he sees her face contorted in pain. She looked worse than earlier. Sweat rolls down her forehead. He hated seeing her in pain of any kind.

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