The Magic of The Moon

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Although we all talk about the Moon, think about the Moon, look up at the Moon, the Moon still remains a mystery to us, it has been this way for aeons, and will be for aeons to come. Because of Moon Magicthe mystery, the Moon holds a fascination for everyone, and who can help being riveted by the beauty of a full Moon and what the Moon can reveal. The light of the Moon seems to contain a magic all its own, yet something that we all wish to share in, the allure of the Moon has a place in our hearts, as it did in the hearts of our ancestors.

The Moon has connotations for many religions, and the word Moon comes from the Greek word meaning "measure", there are many Christian celebrations with a connection to the Moon on specific dates. The ancient Egyptians discovered that although the Moon shape shifted with precision regularly, it did not provide an accurate measure of the seasons, and there was a miscalculation by several days.  The regularity of the Moon's ability to shape shift was a way for ancient civilizations to be able to keep time, and the cycles of the Moon were the basis of the earliest calendars. Farmers needed to know when to plant and to harvest, merchants needed to know when to expect to have crops for sale. It was also necessary to have an accurate gauge of the season to be prepared for the annual flooding of the River Nile, none of which could take place without an accurate measure of time. The next calendar designed by the Egyptians was based on solar cycles, which gave them a more accurate measure of time.

There was an early awareness of the Moon's connection to the oceans of the world and the cycles of nature, the Moon affects the creatures of the sea, many of which mate and spawn during particular cycles of the tides. Some fish are easier to catch during the full Moon, birds and animals are all affected during the phase of the full Moon, animals are more active at this time. Ancient civilizations used the Moon to predict weather patterns, and it was likely that this was thought to be magic. It is known today that tornadoes and hurricanes tend to occur during the phases of the New and the full Moon, more than any other time, and there is a tendency for more rainfall during the first quarter of the Waning Moon. The human pregnancy gestation period is calculated by lunar cycles.

Moon Folklore

There is the legend of the Moon Maiden who collects the wishes and dreams of all living creatures on earth, they are then dropped into a goblet and swirled together before they are sprinkled back on Earth and become dew. The German goddess Frigg is said to live on the Moon spinning the lives of mankind, while the Chinese goddess Ch'ang O stole the potion of immortality from her husband. She drank every drop and flew to the Moon to escape, she now lives there contentedly after being given refuge by the hare who resides on the Moon.

When building a wooden fence you want to last, lay the foundation and set the posts while the Moon is waning, then wait until the Moon's horns point skyward, you may then lay the lower rail. When the Moon's horns point to Earth the fence can be completed, when building a fence in this way it will be sturdy and last. When the Moon is waxing hooks for fishing can be set, when the Moon wanes fish by the light of day. If you bow to the new Moon good luck will be yours. To assure an auspicious marriage, marry twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the full Moon, and the Scottish believe that a wedding should take place when the Moon is full, thus ensuring a long and happy marriage.

The Moon lunation takes around twenty-nine and a half days, starting from a full Moon and it continues until the next full Moon. For centuries civilizations bowed to the power of the Moon, crops were planted according to the Moon's phases, there were many rituals celebrating the power of the Moon. The Moon is still recognised today as having particular powers that affect planting and growing, people's emotions, and the ocean tides's of the world. There is still intrigue regarding the Moon and it holds a certain fascination for most people.

The Moon plays a very profound role when it comes to spell casting, as you make magic be aware that the subconscious mind is ruled by the Moon. Those interested in magic and spell casting can enhance the power of their spells by becoming acquainted with all the phases of the Moon, and how to apply them, by tapping into the energy of the Moon you will be guided in your magic practice. Your life could be transformed by working with the different energies of the Moon. Before performing spells it is a good idea to meditate and help yourself to reach an altered state of consciousness. If you believe in higher powers and higher energies, you will naturally respond to the waxing and waning of the Moon's energies. When casting spells you are working with the subconscious mind, the elements, and with energy, the Moon is accessed and its transformational powers utilised. Spells require you to ignite the magic that you will be invoking, and then working with the universal life force, you become as one with  the energy flow of the unseen. If you are patient, waiting for the correct phase of the Moon to make your magic will enhance the ultimate results of your spell casting.

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