Chapter 16 - A New Hope

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"Standby alert. Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range, 15 minutes." Cordelia stands with Leia and C-3PO, nervously cracking her knuckles as the map in front of them lights up to match their positions.

They listen to the pilots as they talk, flying towards the Death Star. Leia grabs Cordelia's hand as Luke's voice comes through.

"I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to throw up. I've never been part of something so important." Cordelia whispers to her friend.

"It'll be all right. It has to." She responds. Cordelia nods, squeezing Leia's hand. They turn their attention back to the comms.

"Watch your back, Luke. Watch your back! Fighters above you, coming in." Biggs says.

"I'm hit, but nod bad. R2, see what you can do with it." Luke replies.

"Red Six, can you see Red Five?" Another voice asks.

"There's a heavy fire zone. Red Five, where are you?" He replies.

"I can't shake him." Luke says.

"I'm on him, Luke." Wedge tells him.

"Thanks, Wedge." He replies. Cordelia and Leia sigh in relief, knowing Luke is safe for now.

"Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. We're starting our attack run." He alerts.

"I copy, Gold Leader. Move into position." He replies.

"The exhaust port is marked and locked in." Gold Leader says. "Switch all power to front deflector screen." He orders his pilots. "How many guns do you think, Gold Five?"

"Say about 20 guns, some on the surface, some on the towers." He replies.

"Death Star will be in range in five minutes." The map in front of them changes to match their positions.

"Switch to targeting computer." Gold Leader tells his pilots.

"Computer's locked. Getting a signal." One replies. "The guns. They've stopped." He says a moment later.

"Stabilize your rear deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters." Another says.

"They're coming in. Three marks at 210." He warns.

The three pilots are quickly shot down.

"Red boys, this is Red Leader. Rendezvous at mark 6.1." He says.

"This is Red Two flying toward you." He replies.

"Red Three standing by." He adds.

"Red Leader, this is Base One. Keep half your group out of range for the next run." The rebel leader closest to Cordelia and Leia says.

"Copy, Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three. Hold up here and wait for my signal to start your run." Red Leader says. "This is it." He says as his group starts their run.

The two other pilots make it close to the target, but are taken out. Red Leader fires, but misses the small gap. He hits the surface of the Death Star. He orders Luke and the others to prepare for their run before he's taken out too.

"Biggs, Wedge, let's close it up." Luke says. Cordelia lets go of Leia's hand, wrapping her arms around her shoulders instead. "We're going in full throttle. That ought to keep those fighters off our back." 

"Right with you, boss." Wedge replies.

"Luke, at that speed, will you be able to pull out in time?" Biggs asks.

"It'll be just like Beggars Canyon back home." Luke answers. 

"We'll stay back far enough to cover you." He tells him as they begin their run.

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