Chapter 7 - Solo

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Han lands the ship on the platform and the group quickly gets to work on the coaxium. Cordelia stands back and watches after getting a lecture about not touching the coaxium.

"Just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs." Han brags to the person next to him as he backs away. Cordelia rolls her eyes and pinches his arm. "What?"

"Quit bragging." She says. Chewie growls.

"Not if you round down, buddy." He says, heading towards Lando. Cordelia rolls her eyes at her brother before moving closer to Chewie. She sticks close to him as they move around the others before joining Beckett.

"Hey! They say when the coaxium's refined, we collect it up there." Beckett calls, interrupting Qi'ra and Han before they can kiss inside.

"Thank you for stopping that before I threw up." Cordelia says, making him chuckle as he walks off. He leads the way, the rest of the group following. Han keeps his sister close as they reach the top of the hill.

"So, I hear you make good brandy." Beckett tells the bartender, who goes back to wiping the bar.

"Beckett." A voice calls. They turn and spot a group of people outside the building. Han keeps Cordelia behind her as they approach, but she peeks out from behind him. Han unbuttons his holster keeping his blaster in place.

"Don't." Beckett warns.

"You must've known you'd see me again." Enfys Nest says.

"I was counting on it. Just didn't plan on it being so soon. Of course now, you've got a problem." He replies.

"Big problem." Han adds. 

Cordelia sighs quietly, shaking her head at him. Beckett turns to him and he nods, raising his eyebrows. He walks forward and Chewie grabs Cordelia's arm, pulling her closer to him and out of the open. 

"You happen to notice that freighter down there? You know what's on it? About 30 hired guns. All I gotta do is give 'em the signal, you're surrounded." He says. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the Falcon powers up and flies away. He backs up until he's in line with the others. "Sorry. You do your thing."

"By the time that coaxium gets refined, Crimson Dawn will be here, so you go ahead and kill us. They're gonna kill you." Beckett says.

"Perhaps there's a compromise, one that doesn't involve so much killing." Qi'ra says, glancing at Cordelia.

"They're marauders. They don't care about anybody. All they know how to do is kill." He says, moving forward. Enfys meets him in the middle, stabbing their spear in the sand. Enfys removes the helmet, revealing themself as a young woman. Han glances at Chewie and Cordelia, who shrug.

"I need a drink." Enfys says, passing Beckett. "Bring them inside." Han grabs Cordelia's hand, keeping her close as they enter the building. "My mother once told me about a band of mercenaries that came to a peaceful planet. They had a resource there these men coveted, so they took it. They kept coming back, taking more. Until finally, the people resisted. When they returned demanding their tribute, the people shouted back in one voice 'No more!' The mercenaries didn't like the sound of that, so they cut off the tongue of every last man, woman, and child. Do you know what that pack of animals became?" Enfys says. She turns back. "Tell them."

The woman behind her turns and draws the Crimson Dawn symbol into the dirt caked onto the metal. Cordelia gasps softly, gripping tightly onto Han's hand.

"Crimson Dawn and the rest of the five syndicates have committed unspeakable crimes across the galaxy." She continues. Cordelia shivers, recalling how close she had been to them.

"Says you." Beckett says.

"No. Says them." She replies as her people remove their helmets. "Each of our worlds has been brutalized by the Syndicates. Crimson Dawn will use their profits from the coaxium you stole to tyrannize system after system in league with the Empire."

"And what would you use it for?" He asks.

"The same thing my mother would have used it for if she had survived and still wore the mask. To fight back. We're not marauders. We're allies and the war has just begun." Enfys finishes. Cordelia smiles at her, squeezing her brother's hand.


"You know we can't give the coaxium to Dryden Vos." Han says, approaching Beckett. Cordelia follows behind him, not wanting to stray too far from him.

"Joining the cause, Han Solo?" Beckett asks. Cordelia tilts her head at him, and he gives her a look saying he'll explain later.

"Just trying to make it out alive." He says.

"Got a plan?" He asks.

"Yeah, beginning of one. Way to get our money and get out from under the thumb of Crimson Dawn at the same time." Han answers.

"Maybe get your girlfriend back while we're at it. You don't tangle with Dryden. Because unlike us, he actually does travel with hired guns, his own private army." He says, moving forward to stand in front of Han.

"So does Enfys. Listen, here's what I got so far." He says, then explains the plan.

"I see. Lot of ways it could go south, and only one where it doesn't." Beckett says.

"That's why I need my partner." He replies. Beckett shakes his head.

"Not this time. I'm leaving. If you're smart, you'll grab your sister and come with me." He explains.

"I thought you didn't believe in running." Han says.

"I prefer it to dying." He says. 

Beckett pats Han's cheek before resting his hand on his shoulder. He glances to the others and waves before he starts to walk away. Cordelia steps forward, placing her hand on Han's back, hoping to comfort him.

"If by some miracle you make it out of here, find me on Tatooine." He calls.

"What's on Tatooine?" Han asks.

"Heard about a job, big shot gangster putting together a crew. That'll be the one." He replies.

"The one?" He asks.

"My last score. Yeah, I still got some debts to pay before I can head back to Glee Anselm and get into the valachord." He says before turning and walking away.

"Han Solo?" Cordelia asks softly. Han turns and places his hands on her shoulders, bending until they're even with each other.

"It was the name they gave me when I left Corellia. Even though I was physically alone, you were always with me, Bug. In here." He says. She rolls her eyes at his cheesiness, but he takes it as annoyance. "We can change it. Han and Cordelia-"

"Solo. I like it. We can be solo together." She says. He chuckles.

"That's not really how being solo works, Bug." He says.

"I don't care. Han and Cordelia Solo." She says. He laughs, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you, Cordelia." He says, holding her tighter.

"I love you too, Han." She replies, resting her head on his shoulder.

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