Chapter 10 - A New Hope

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"Hey. We don't serve their kind here." The bartender says. Cordelia turns from her spot at the bar and spots a boy with two droids. She scoffs and rolls her eyes, hating the way droids are often treated.

"What?" The boy asks.

"Your droids, they'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here." He replies. She turns back to the bar, slamming back the rest of her drink and gesturing for another. Chewie abandons his conversation with the old man next to him and turns to her, growling a warning.

"Bite me, Chewie. I'm an adult, I can drink if I want to." She says. He growls in annoyance, knowing the only person who can talk her down is Han. He turns back to his conversation as Cordelia grabs her drink and pushes away from the bar, looking around for her brother. She spots him sitting at a corner table and joins him, throwing herself into the booth next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder with a sigh.

"What's wrong, Bug?" Han asks. She sighs again, setting her drink on the table.

"I totally just bit Chewie's head off. He was just looking out for me." She says.

"Then why'd you do it?" He asks. 

"I'm just stressed about our shit with Jabba." She explains. He wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"Come on. We'll get it settled." He reassures her. "When have I ever lead you wrong?" Cordelia lifts her head from his shoulder and raises an eyebrow at him. "Fine. Don't answer that." He grabs her drink and chugs it.

"Hey!" She says, glaring at him. "Go get me a new one." She says. He doesn't move, so she pinches his arm. 

"All right! I'll be right back." He says, leaving the booth. Cordelia leans her head on the back of the booth, closing her eyes. Her hand shifts to her blaster as footsteps approach. She shoots up, pointing her blasters at the three in front of the table. She relaxes when she spots Chewie.

"Sorry, Chewie." She says, sitting back down and holstering her blaster. He growls and she responds by pointing to the bar where her brother stands, ordering their drinks. The two strangers sit at the table as Chewie approaches Han.

"Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system." Han says as he and Chewie rejoin them at the table.

"Yes, indeed, if it's a fast ship." The old man says.

"Fast ship? You've never head of the Millennium Falcon?" He asks. Cordelia rolls her eyes, elbowing him in the side.

"Should I have?" The man asks.

"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs." He explains. They both stare at him blankly. He leans across the table. "I've outrun imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now." He says. Cordelia rolls her eyes again, pushing Han back until his back rests against the booth. She ignores his glare.

"What the idiot's trying to say is that the Falcon's fast enough. What's the cargo?" She asks.

"Only passengers. Myself, the boy, two droids...and no questions asked." The man says. Han chuckles.

"What is it, some kind of local trouble?" He asks.

"Let's just say we'd like to avoid any imperial entanglements." He says. Han leans back, lacing his fingers together.

"Well, that's the real trick, isn't it? And it's gonna cost you something extra. Ten thousand, all in advance." He says. Cordelia rolls her eyes but stays silent, knowing she has no real say in the matter.

"Ten thousand? We could almost buy our own ship for that." The boy says.

"But who's gonna fly it, kid? You?" Han asks. Cordelia elbows him, but he ignores it.

"You bet I could. I'm not such a bad pilot, myself." He says. He turns to the old man as he starts to stand. "We don't have to sit here and listen-" He stops as the man pulls him back into his seat.

"We can pay you 2,000 now, plus 15 when we reach Alderaan." He says.

"Seventeen?" Han asks. The man nods. Cordelia pinches his side. "Okay, you guys got yourselves a ship. We'll leave as soon as you're ready. Docking Bay 94." 

"Ninety-four." The man confirms.

"Looks like somebody's beginning to take an interest in your handiwork." He says, eyeing the stormtroopers talking to the bartender. He points them in their direction, but the two are gone by the time they reach the table. "Seventeen thousand. Those guys must really be desperate. This could really save our neck. Get back to the ship, get it ready." Chewie leads the way, pulling Cordelia with him. 

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Chewie. I've just been stressed lately." Cordelia apologizes as they walk towards the docking bay. He growls, and she sighs in relief. "You're the best, Chewie. Don't tell Han, but you're my favorite." She says, wrapping her arms around his.

When they reach the bay with the Falcon, Cordelia groans silently, hearing Jabba and his minions inside. They wait for Han to arrive and follow him in.

"Solo! Come out of there, Solo! Solo!" Jabba yells towards the ship as his minions look around.

"Right here, Jabba. I've been waitin' for you." Han says. They turn to face them, spotting Han and Cordelia side by side with Chewie behind them. Cordelia stays with him but stays silent per their agreement. As soon as Jabba had shown an interest in her, Han demanded that she let him take the lead and stay silent when they talk.

"Have you now." He says and laughs.

"You didn't think we were gonna run, did you?" He replies, walking towards Jabba, but keeping Cordelia just behind him.

"Han, my boy, you disappoint me. Why haven't you paid me and why did you fry poor Greedo?" He asks. Cordelia rolls her eyes, now knowing what took Han so long.

"Jabba, next time you wanna talk to me, come see me yourself. Don't send one of these twerps." Han says. Jabba places his hand on Han's shoulder as they begin to walk. Cordelia follows, staying out of Jabba's reach. Chewie walks behind them as well, keeping his distance.

"Han, I can't make exceptions. What if everyone who smuggled for me dropped their cargo at the first sign of an imperial starship? It's not good business." He says. Han turns and jabs his finger towards Jabba.

"Look, Jabba, even I get boarded sometimes." He says. He walks around to his other side, walking on his tail. "You think I had a choice? But I got a nice, easy charter. I'll pay ya back, plus a little extra. I just need a little more time."

"Han, my boy, you're the best. So, for an extra twenty percent-" He says.

"Fifteen, Jabba. Don't push it." He interrupts.

"Okay, fifteen percent. But if you fail me again, I'll take that little sister of yours and put a price on your head so big you won't be able to go near a civilized system." Jabba says. Han walks away, grabbing Cordelia and pulling her with him, keeping her out of Jabba's sight.

"Jabba, you're a wonderful human being." He says before turning and pushing Cordelia up the ramp.

"Ugh, I hate him. He's so creepy." She says when they enter the ship and Jabba and his goons have left.

"I know, Bug. Me too." Han says. He looks around the ship. "They'll be here soon. Let's get her cleaned up." 

"If someone cleaned up after themselves, there wouldn't be so much to do." She says as he moves towards the ramp.

"Less talking, more cleaning!" He calls as he exits the ship. She glares at his back until he's out of view, then gets to work on cleaning up the inside of the ship.

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