Chapter 20 - Amir And Shazia

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Laura and her siblings lost their mother when the girls were in 300 level and the El-Muneer family and friends were there for them. 

'Hey'. Adila called for the umpteenth time, snapping her fingers. 

'Sorry big sis, I find my mind wandering  whenever i am alone. When did you arrive?'. Shazia blinked back her tears as she spoke. 

'Just some 5 minutes back. It's okay, may Allah SWT continue to grant us ease in all our affairs, aamiin.'. 

'Aamiin. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. How are my babies?' 

'They are angry with you?' 

'SubhanAllah, why?' Shazia asked, her eyes wide open. 

'Because Aunt Shazia still hasn't visited them'. 

'Aww, I am so sorry. I'll do that tomorrow God willing' 

The friends talked about studies for a while over lunch before heading to their various destinations. 

Later that day, Aunt Zahra called Shazia and apologised for everything. She pleaded with her to ask her Uncle who had been away from the house for more than 2 weeks to return to them and Shazia who took pity on them promised she was going to talk to him and also ensure that he returned to them that same day. 

Shazia met her Uncle at his personal house in the evening and she wholeheartedly apologised to him on his family's behalf and pleaded with him to go back home. 

'These people treated you unjustly Shazia, why are you pleading on their behalf?'.

'Uncle, it's part of our human nature to make mistakes and as Muslims, we must learn to forgive others for their mistakes. In Surah An-Noor, Verse 22, Allah SWT says about forgiving others '... and they should pardon and turn away. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful'. Also in Surah Ash-Shura, Verse 40: 'And the recompense of evil is punishment like it, but whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah'. These and so many other verses of the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet SAW advise us to forgive. Besides, we also sin and ask Allah SWT for forgiveness, who are we as human beings not to forgive others?'. She preached. 'I know you are angry because of their attitude towards me but I promise you I have forgiven them. The past is in the past God willing'. Shazia talked at length till her Uncle forgave his family. 

By the time Shazia escorted Uncle Waleed back to the family house, his wife and all the five kids were waiting for them. She exchanged pleasantries with all and turned to leave. 

'I am really sorry Shazia I let my emotion get the best of me'. It was Ali. 'You didn't deserve the way we treated you'. He was remorseful. 'I am really sorry for my rash behaviour Abby'. 

Anisa and Aunt Zahra also apologised to her and she assured them she had forgiven them. As it was, Uncle Waleed's punishment knocked sense into the trio's heads. Nabila, Adam and Zulaiha who were never part of the plot apologised to Shazia and their father. Shazia was forced to stay for dinner and once they were done eating, she left. 

As promised, the next day Shazia visited Adila's family. She rang the door bell and a girl of about 6 years opened the door for her. 

'Assalamu alaikum. Marhaba (welcome)'. She greeted, in her Arabic accent. 

'Wa alaikumussalam. Shukran (Thank you). Where's your mummy?'. 

'Mimi!! Mimi!! Mimi there's a guest at the door'. The girl ran off calling. 

'Ahlan wa sahlan (welcome) Little sister. Welcome to our home'. Adila was all smiles as she hugged Shazia, giving her a peck on both cheeks. 

'Thank you. You have a nice home, Ma Shaa Allah'. Shazia complimented.

'Thank you. Please come in'. 

In the living room, Adila introduced her three kids who were playing a mathematics puzzle and her baby who was sleeping peacefully in his bassinet. 

'This is Husna, she's 7 years old and here are the twins,  Fareed and Farida. They turned 4 a month back. And my little darling Amir who will be a year old in some months'. 

'Nice to meet you cuties'. Adila brought refreshment for Shazia. They talked for hours, prayed, ate and also played with the kids. 

Shazia stayed in the house till evening and it was fun to be around Adila's kids. They are very  well behaved and fun to be with. Adila made Shazia very comfortable in the house and when Shazia was about to leave, the kids cried that they wanted her to stay longer. Their mother had to distract them with their games before Shazia was finally able to leave. 

End of Chapter 20.

If Amir marries another girl, I'll hunt him down and beat him to a pulp 🙄🙄

I love Adila's kids. May Allah SWT bless us all with righteous children that will forever be the coolness of our eyes, aamiin aamiin.

Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the last two chapters, it's been a really busy week at the office. Wrote this chapter just this night and I'm really sleepy. I'll do better next time In Shaa Allah.

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