Chapter Eleven

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Terra led them through the sea of students, making her way to what seemed to be the center of the party. Everyone around them was dancing, drinking, and laughing as the music played loudly in the background. Even though Amber knew Alfea better than most of the people there, she had no idea where they were.

Bloom shared her unspoken thought and asked, "This is what exactly?"

"The east wing of Alfea. It used to be used for war preparations, but since there hasn't been a conflict for a while, no one comes down here." Terra answered and then smile with an excited twinkle in her eyes, "Except for tonight."

"You two need a beer." Aisha simply told Amber and Bloom, noticing the uneased look on their faces.

"I need a beer." The redhead agreed while Amber just went along with it.

Bloom pushed through the crowd as the three of them tried to find the drinks table. When they did, Bloom grabbed the nearest one, barely looking at the glass bottle before taking a sip. Aisha grabbed one, too, and looked at Amber who was just observing from the side.

"Not in a mood for a beer?" Aisha asked with a frown.

"I've actually never had one before," Amber replied truthfully, eying the brown glass bottle in the girl's hand.

The water fairy gave her a reassuring smile, "Do you want to try?"

"Sure." The blonde replied, and Aisha handed her a beer. She took a quick sip but immediately grimaced at the taste. She looked at Bloom, who just took another sip as well. "That's gross! How can you drink it?"

The other two girls laughed at her reaction.

"Yeah but a few more of those will help you loosen up a bit," Aisha said and raised her bottle to clink it.

"I'll hold you to that," Amber said and the three clinked their drinks together.

Bloom glanced around the room, looking like she was trying to find someone but when she couldn't she turned to Amber and Aisha, "Hey, I'm just gonna go and check out the rest of the place. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

Aisha told her to have fun while Amber stayed indifferent to the conversation. She still didn't like Bloom, but she tried to remain civil.

The blonde scowled after taking yet another sip and Aisha let out a chuckle and looked at the table, "Let's find you something else to try, some of them in certain flavors so maybe we can find you something you would like more."

After trying each drink Aisha had handed her, Amber took another cup, the last one she had to try.

"That one was the worst one yet!" She exclaimed and Aisha raised her eyebrows.

"You said it about every single one of them," The dark-skinned girl reminded, and Amber raised the cup to take another sip, "Yet you're still drinking it!"

"It's kind of growing on me, in a weird way," Amber shrugged and gave her a light grin. "The third one was not so bad. Which one was it again?"

Aisha laughed and handed her the drink, "You've never tried any alcohol before that?"

"My sister sneaked a bottle of wine for us once, it was strange but nice."

"Your sister sounds like quite the person," Aisha noted and the blonde girl nodded.

"If she were here, she'd definitely steal the spotlight. I would have loved to see the look on Stella's face, it would have driven her mad!" Amber smirked at the thought.

Aisha looked puzzled and slightly worried, "You two really don't like each other, do you?"

"Not my fault she's a bitch." Amber shrugged and put her empty cup on a nearby table.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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