09: Playing Dead

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"Can I be put in the psych ward? I need to see Doctor Charles, somethings not right, I -I- I'm not right."

Brooklyn was losing it. After waking up at finding out that her father was getting his blood drawn, Brooklyn knew she had to see someone, someone the whole family trusted. "Brooklyn, you're alright. There's nothing wrong with you. Justin is-"

"Dead. Justin is dead." Looking at her mother in the eyes. "Justie Died years ago and took part of this family with him. Dad doesn't smile anymore! He's scared to create a closer bond with Noah and me, and sends me to the country club so I won't turn out like my older siblings! I see it all! Daniel is god knows where with his mother, who knows if they are safe! Justin is dead and there is no one who can tell me any different. He is dead and this family will never be the same."

Not knowing her father and older brother were behind her, Brooklyn turns in search of Will Halstead, but sees them. "At least you know how I feel. I'm tired of walking on eggshells some days."

"Brooklyn, Justin had to go under to stay safe. We had to fake his death-"

"Bullshit! You knew this whole time! The only thing you were shocked about was seeing him after all this time. Did you not think his death would affect this whole family!" Looking to her older brother, "you should have stayed playing dead. It won't change anything for me."


2 Days later

Brooklyn has completely forgotten about the incident at the hospital. That first night, she did call and let her boyfriend know what was going on.

Landon was shocked. Beyond shocked actually. He told his older brother, and they both knew this had to be kept a secret until the Voight family came forward.

"I'm leaving for the country club! I'll be back later on. Don't wait up! Officer Tony and Miguel are giving me a ride home!" No matter how long Brooklyn has had her driver's license, she refused to drive. Mainly because she doesn't in New York.

So, why let things change in Chicago?

Getting to the county club, Brooklyn meets up with Avery, Landon, and John. John was Avery's boyfriend, and was like another brother to Brooklyn. "Sup Brook"

Hugging the two, she wraps her arms around Landon's torso before heading to the golf court. "Let's do couple versus couple. That way we can have a little friendly competition."

As everyone agrees, the young Voight gets lots in enjoying herself and doesn't realize the time.

Since her father knew the officers were there with her, he was fine with her staying out a little later.

After the golf match, the group of four decided to grab something to eat before finally parting ways.


"Where have you been? It's almost midnight!" Walking into my family's Chicago home, I disregard everything Justin is saying. "Shut the fuck up zombie, go crawl back into your grave, please."


Flipping off my older brother, I close and lock my door. While I didn't drink, it is known that I become really goofy after being up after a certain hour. Why does it equate to being drunk? I couldn't tell you

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