05: Daddy Issues

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As Emerson walks into her mother's precinct, she waves to many. Saying her good mornings, she puts down the fresh donuts from their favorite place before skipping to her mother's office. "What's got little Emerson so happy"

It's more like a someone.

Landon Severide and Emerson Voight have been texting nonstop since they originally met. They even FaceTime at night. They have a routine set, and neither one of them are keen on breaking it.

Jay was spending the day with Erin, before having to leave for Chicago the following day. Knocking on her mother's door, Emerson pokes her head in to see a meeting in order. And Elliot sitting across from her mother. "I'll come back when the meeting is over. Promise this can wait." Softly closing the door, Emerson takes in a deep breath, before going back to her happy state.

No way in hell was she gonna let Stabler ruin her good mood.

Sitting beside her uncle, OdaFinn doesn't mention the happy mood around the young teen. He knows something had changed since her trip to Chicago with her father, he's just not sure what.

As Amanda looks at her niece in question, she knew there could only be one reason for the change: "what's his name?" Trying to play it cool, "there is no guy, I'm just in a good mood since Chicago. You know, many would be happy with my mood change instead of questioning it" singing the last part to her aunt, Brooklyn pulls her off to tell her the actual truth.

"Okay, truth is, his name is Landon Severide. And before you go screaming or trying to do a background check, 1. My dad is a big fan of him and his family, 2. We haven't told anyone or put a label on anything and 3. You're the only person who knows besides Jay and Trudy." Sealing her lips close, Amanda happily skips away from Brooklyn. "Real mature 'Manda"

Seeing the door to her mother's office open, and her uncle coming to stand in front of her, Brooklyn keeps herself calm by thinking of how she can't wait to text Landon when he's done with practice.

Waving to her uncle Barbra as he came into the building, she sees his smile leave his face once he sees Elliot Stabler. Rushing over to the man, "You come anywhere near her, and I will find a reason to put your ass in jail for the rest of your life!"

It seems like everyone had a vendetta against the man.

Brooklyn was still in Lala land, and didn't hear any part of the argument. Hearing her phone buzz, she looks down to see Landon's name. "Hello? Hey. How was practice- hold on one minute," turning to the adults who were arguing like school children, "Hey guys, can you keep it down, I'm on an important phone call here, now, back to what I was saying. How was practice?"

As the adults watch Brooklyn take a seat by Amanda, it was clear that something, or someone, had her undivided attention. So much, that she failed to comprehend what was happening around her. "You should totally volunteer, you'll get to see firsthand if the life is really for you."

"Would you marry me if I was a firefighter like my brother?" Smiling and thinking about what their future would be like, "of course, who wouldn't want to be married to a smoke eater. Would you marry me if I was a cop like my parents?"

"Of course, who wouldn't take to marry an intelligent officer" saying their goodbyes, they promise to talk later on. Returning to the ones around her, Brooklyn sees that Elliot is still around, trying to get something out of her mother.

Before she could cuss him out, or call Jay for backup, Amaro comes to the rescue. "Get the fuck out of here. Do you know who her husband is? I would happily call him and I promise you after he gets off of that plane, he'll be happy to deal with your sorry ass."

Olivia looks over to her daughter, seeing her engrossed in her phone, she's just glad that she wasn't paying attention to the argument happening.

As Elliot Stabler finally leaves, Olivia lets out a deep sigh, before snatching her daughter's phone. "Hey! What was that for! I haven't done anything. Give it back mom!" Pointing to her office, Brooklyn sighed before heading in.

"Who were you just on the phone with? I swear to god if it was someone you met online-" yelling to stop her mother, Brooklyn looks at her like she's crazy, "no, his name is Landon. I met him in Chicago. He's a Severide, dad loves the Serveride's. Well, his brother and himself, not too much their dad. But yeah, we met on my run, and he helped me get to 51. We talked to the whole way there. He's the only person besides you who's ever calmed me down after a nightmare or panic attack. Plus he's handsome." Staring dreamily off, Brooklyn forgets that she's with her mom

"Yeah, you've got all the feels for this boy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were in loveee" laughing , Brooklyn blushes deeply, trying not to let her mom see it, "maybe not love just yet. But it's pretty close already"

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