🦋Chapter 1 🕷

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The sun was shining in the sky, and the clouds were fading silently, but more kept coming back. "The clouds are so pretty," Starkit admitted. "Don't you agree, Cloudkit?" She turned to her sister, as if to start a conversation with the lonely shekit beside her. "Ofcourse, I watch them all the time." Cloudkit looked up to the sky, purring. "You're my only friend, Starkit. Remember when we used to joke about you becoming leader?" Starkit's ears perked up. "If I did, I'd become Starstar!" Both of the kits bursted out laughing, rolling on the ground and tackling eachother playfully. "That's funny! Just imagine your deputy saying 'Hey Starstar how are you?'" They both giggled. "If I ever do become leader, you'll surely become deputy, if you're not a medicine cat, of course!" Starkit admitted as Cloudkit's eyes shimmered with admiration. "Really? You think I'd be fit enough for a deputy?" Starkit turned to Cloudkit as she nodded. "Wow, I never thought I'd be truly good enough for a deputy. Mother tells me I'm the strongest kit, but I don't believe her. You tackle me easily, and hold me down like I'm a mouse compared to you! You're already like a warrior!" She meowed. Starkit's tail tip flicked as she looked over to Frostsnout and Leafpaw. It was turning dark, and they seemed to be going on night patrol. "Leafpaw! Frostsnout!" She called as the two cats turned to face her. "Are you going on night patrol?" She padded up to the warrior and apprentice, as they looked at eachother, and turned their heads back to her. "Yes, would you like us to bring back some juicy prey for you?" Cloudkit ran beside her sister and yowled, "Yessss! We'll be waiting, if mama doesn't force us to sleep!" Leafpaw chuckled as she turned toward the tunnel, and turned her head back to the two kits. "We won't take long, of course." The two cats headed into the tunnel, and then dissapeared in the thick darkness of the night. The two kits ran to the nursery and sat down near the entrance, as if they were on guard.

Warriors: Into The River (BOOK ONE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz