Chapter 4: Marathon pt. 2

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After dinner, the twin-like Fukuzawas continued their Fairy Tail marathon and in fact, they finished their meal in a flash because of their excitement to watch the anime. Their parents scolded them for their behavior, particularly worrying about indigestion and possible death. All they got was a phrase 'You don't die for your friends, you live for them' and these got them confused as fuck. Their mother kept asking her husband on who is Grace and Katsu like what she heard from the teens but unfortunately, he would just shrug his shoulders in return.

" Probably the new models in the TV show or something."

" Honey there are no models named Grace and Katsu from the new TV show."

"Maybe it's their imaginary friend or something? Nah.Who knows."

Meanwnile, Yumi and Yuuki already covered 10 more episodes and seems like they aren't stopping on watching the anime soon. The clock already struck to midnight and after finishing their current episode on hand, the two decided to rest and continue their marathon on the next day.

"Yipiee! that was great" Said Yumi as she did some stretching on the room.

"It's a good thing that tomorrow is Saturday." Yuuki said with a yawn. "We can enjoy our marathon to the fullest."

"Yeah. Thanks for introducing me to a whole new world, Yuuki. Domo-arigatou." Replied Yumi as she did a slight bow.

"Geez, stop it would you." Yuuki playfully shoved her sister and Yumi stuck her tongue out in return.

"I'm the only one who enjoys watching anime and now you get to enjoy watching it too."

"Yeah. Hooray for that cuz Otakus rock!" Yumi signalled for a fist bump and Yuuki responded to the action.

"Wow. So you're part of the Otakus now, huh?"

"Of course!"

"Hehe. As much as we would like to continue our convo about Fairy Tail,  it's best if we do it tomorrow. Or else Mom would barge in the room like before."

"Yeah. Hehe. You're right, Yuuki. *yawns* Man I'm sleepy. Good night, Yuuki."

"It's morning already, baka." said Yuuki as he glanced at the clock which reads 12:15 a.m.

"Yeah yeah. Don't go watching episodes without me, alright?"

"Fine Yumi. Goodnight."

And with that, Yumi happily skipped to her room while chanting lce trail on the way.


As expected, Yumi woke up late and her parents didn't bother to wake her and Yuuki early since it's weekend anyway. Their parents also regarded this positively since it would mean that they would save breaktast and only spend on Lunch.

"Argh. whos calling at this hour?"

Yumi grabbed her phone and looked at the screen which showed Yoshinos name.

"Moshi moshi. Yoshino-san."

" Ohayo, Yumi-san. Don't tell me you've just woken up? Goodness. It's already 10:45 in the morning!"

" Yes. I've just woken up. Anyways, Is there a reason for your call?"

Yumi heard Yoshino mumble about being 'grumpy' in the background berore the latter responded to her question.

"Yes. Actually... I was planning to hang-out with you. Gosh help me, Yumi-saaaan! I'm really bored and the thought of Rei-chan would only haunt me in my boredom. Didn't we agree that we'll continue our operation? So let's hangout pleaseee."

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