Saving private leechball

Start from the beginning

Chris: As winners Of yesterday's challenge, The heroes get a full One minute head start. 

Hamsters: *cheers*

Vultures: *groans*

Chris: Ready... Set...

the pistol pops and the leech shot Scott

Scott: Ow! 

we then run off

Hamsters: Woo-hoo! Go, go, go, go! Go, team! 

Sierra: For Cody!

but Sam was lacking behind and me and Mike went and gave him a hand

Courtney: Move it! Hustle! Or so help me, You'll never see Another sunrise! 

Mike confessional: Courtney is kinda Scary sometimes. *Inhales deeply* 

Mal confessional: And I love when things Get scary. *Malevolent snicker* *Gasps* 

Mike confessional: so, uh, uh... What was I saying? 

Sierra: *Panting* Does anyone know Where the heart Of the forest... *Panting* Is exactly? 

Zoey: I'll go get A better look. 

she then climbs on top of the trees

Courtney confessional: Zoey has some seriously Impressive skills... And that is why She's got to go! 

Zoey: Over there!

we then heed in that direction

Sam: Need dakota. She can carry me around Like a gameguy. 

Cameron: That makes sense, Since... 

Sierra and Cameron: You are a real life game guy! 

Cameron confessional: Sierra and I have A lot in common. We're both super smart And we can both be a teensy bit Socially oblivious sometimes.

Sierra knocks at the door

Sierra: Cameron? What are you doing In there? 

Cameron confessional: Like I said. 

we then see the crates

Courtney: The big one! Go for the big one! 

but the vultures came out of nowhere and take the big crate

(y/n): Whoa! Where'd they come from? 

Duncan: Ha-ha! Suckers!

Courtney: The small one! Go for the small one! 

Courtney opens the small crate and pulls out a bucket of leeches

Courtney: Gross. 

Mike: Guess this is the low-tech crate All right. 

Sierra pulls out a bucket

Sierra: Aw, cute! I think I'll call you "Cody's."

(y/n): gross

we then run off

Courtney: Of course the villains Get machine guns . We'll never beat them With these puny slingshots! 

Cameron: Sure we can... 

Sierra and Cameron: If we're stealthy And score first! 

Courtney: Ugh! Nerd love. If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up. 

Cameron: Oh, don't worry, We're just friends. Right, sierra? 

Sierra: Huh? 

she then pictures Cody's face on Cameron's body

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