Bad memories

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Trophy had decided to go into his room for the night, as it was getting late. Tissues wasn't in there, so Trophy had the room all to himself. He layed down on his bed and got under the covers, but for some reason he couldn't fall asleep.

He still layed down, trying to fall asleep at a reasonable time. But then his mind drifted somewhere he would never want to go to again...

"Trophy! You didn't clean up your room! Said Trophy's dad, Goblet. "I'm really sorry, Dad. It's just-" *SLAP* Goblet smacked the words right out of Trophy's mouth."D-dad! What the frick!"

"DON'T F*****G SAY THAT TO ME YOU W***E!" Yelled Goblet, pushing Trophy to the floor.
"Dad..., why do you hate me so much?" Asked Trophy, tears welling up in his eyes, "We-we used to be so frickin' close!"

"Well, maybe if you hadn't decided you wanted to be a "boy", then I'd still love you." "Dad, I don't just want to be a boy, I AM A BOY!"

"NO YOU M****RF***IN' AREN'T! Screamed Goblet, grabbing a full bottle of beer and smashing it against Trophy's head, spreading blood, tears, and beer all across Trophy's face and the wall behind him.

Trophy started sobbing uncontrollably, blabbering "MOM! PLEASE MOM! I WANT MOM PLEASE!!!!!!!"

"Oh mom won't come, she f*****g hates you as much as I do." Said Goblet, scarily quiet and calm. "But-but mom said she'd always love me, was that a lie?" Trophy sobbed. "Well, it wasn't until you came out as the FREAK YOU ARE!!!" Goblet slapped Trophy again, and spit in his face. "And don't you make a f*****g sound, got it? Trophy silently nodded, trying not to cry.

Now there Trophy was, on the floor all by himself, trying not to cry as his "dad" walked out of his room and slammed the door.

"Nononononononono! Please dad, please not again!" Screamed Trophy, now much older and in his bedroom.

At this point he was rocking himself back and forth to try and calm himself down, but it wasn't working. He ripped off his covers and started to bang on the mattress, all while screaming and crying.

Trophy bit his hand and bit it hard, as he, frankly, didn't know what to do with himself. Blood started to drip from his hand and he let it go, throwing the pillows on his bed around the room after.

Trophy took the cover on his bed and threw it along with his pillows. After, he breathed a little and then cried and yelled into his hands.


Tissues speedwalked towards his room, hearing the screams, cries, and general cacophony going on in it. Luckily OJ had been generous enough to make the walls thick enough so if that you weren't awake, you wouldn't be able to hear anything going on inside there.

Tissues didn't really know what was going on inside his room, but he knew that he needed to know. He knew that Trophy had a bad childhood, and sometimes he would get bad flashbacks, so that was an option, or maybe it had been a particularly bad day for Trophy, and he couldn't handle it. Whatever it was, something was wrong.

Tissues walked into the room, and saw, and heard, everything, the pillows and cover thrown all over the place, the screams and cries, and most important of all, the shaking Trophy on the floor, clearly not having a good time.

Trophy didn't notice Tissues at first but when he did, he started crying even louder. Great, first he has a terrible flashback, second he has a breakdown and trashes his and Tissues' room, and now Tissues knows all about it. Just great.

Tissues tried to walk towards Trophy, but Trophy only backed away, looking genuinely terrified and helpless, a look Tissues had seldom seen on anyone, let alone Trophy.

"Uhm... Trophy, are you ok?" Asked Tissues, clearly having no idea whatsoever on how to deal with someone having a mental breakdown.

"Ok ok, that isn't gonna work, how abooouttt..." Tissues thought, racking his mind for a way to calm him down, but all he came up with was blanks. That is, until he saw a Swiper plushie ( yes, from Dora the Explorer ). "Hmm, I wonder why Trophy has a plush... Eh, he probably got it when he was a kid and hasn't got rid of it." Thought Tissues, picking up the toy.

He walked over to Trophy and put the toy down beside him. Trophy took Swiper and started hugging him, still crying, but a bit quieter now.

After a few minutes, Trophy wasn't as much screaming as much as he was sobbing into Swiper. Tissues took this opportunity to ask him "Uhm... Is it ok if I give you a hug?" Trophy looked up at him, and nodded.

Tissues hugged Trophy, making sure to be tight enough to make Trophy feel grounded, but not tight enough to make Trophy feel scared, almost like a weighted blanket. Trophy still hung on to Swiper, but clearly enjoyed Tissues' embrace.

Tissues started rubbing Trophy's back, all while saying sweet little nothings... And trying to hold back sneezes.

After a while Trophy pointed to a drawer in his nightstand. Usually Trophy would tell Tissues not to open that one. Strange.

Tissues noticed the blood dripping from Trophy's wrist, the one he was pointing with, and said "Oh my god Trophy you're BLEEDING!" Trophy looked down at his hand, and immediately covered it, trying to pretend that the injury never happened.
"Trophy, just- stay here for a second while I get a bandage, ok?" Asked Tissues. He went to his nightstand, and took out a first aid kit he used whenever he woke up with nosebleeds. He went back to Trophy, and said "Ok, this is gonna hurt a bit, but I won't hurt you, ok?" Trophy nodded. And Tissues slowly wiped the blood off of Trophy's hands with alcohol rub. Trophy flinched a bit, but remained silent. Tissues then put on the bandage, and put away the first aid kit.

"Ok, now what was in that drawer?" Thought Tissues to himself as he walked to the drawer and opened it. What he found in there was a few soft blankets, a few stuffies, including a hello kitty one, and a sippy cup and a pacifier. For a second, he looked at the drawer, bamboozled, but then realized that right now probably wasn't the right time to question anything, and he should probably just go with the flow. He didn't really know what to grab, so he just took the hello kitty plush, a blue blanket with flowers on it, and the pacifier, and brought it to Trophy.

Tissues wrapped the blanket around Trophy like a big hug, and then gave him his hello kitty stuffy and popped the pacifier in his mouth. Trophy started to babble, trying to tell Tissues thanks, but couldn't form the words and just decided to hug his sickly caregiver instead.
It took no longer than 5 minutes for the little to fall asleep besides Tissues, and once Tissues noticed the snoring coming from Trophy, he said "Aww, all that crying tuckered you out, huh?", and then picked Trophy up, with a lot of struggling due to his condishawn and scrawny build, and laid him down on his bed, since he wanted to be there to help him if he had a nightmare.

Tissues made sure Trophy was comfy where he was sleeping, and then plopped down right beside him. He soon fell asleep beside his roommate.

1280 WORDS

This fic is open for requests, but I won't promise them coming out in a timely matter. And sorry if the flashback part feels a bit weird since I wrote it a while ago and while I was having a not-so-good time, but I revised it to the best of my abilities! There may or may not be a part 2 also


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