Wait, do other people do that!?

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“Hi Knife! How was your Wednesday?” Asked Suitcase, sitting down on the dock beside him. “Well, as good as being stuck on a glorified patch of grass in the middle of nowhere can get.” Said Knife, dripping with sarcasm. Suitcase, however, didn’t quite get it, saying “Oh, that’s good! But anyways, for me…” She trailed off. “Not good today?” Said Knife, he had a knack for knowing how people felt. “… Yeah I guess… It’s just… I’m feeling pent up. “

“Pent up? Well, is there something on your mind that you haven’t let out? Letting built-up feelings out could help.” Suggested Knife. “Well… There is something that’s been on my mind for a long time.” Said suitcase, looking down into the abyss of the lake.

“Well, sometimes, I feel… Younger than I actually am. I don’t know why, I’m 25, but sometimes it just feels like I’m 7, or sometimes 5, or younger than that! And whenever I try to make the feeling stop, it just keeps getting worse!” Said Suitcase, tears threatening to pour out of her sweet, precious eyes.

Knife didn't want to admit it, but sometimes he felt that way too. He pondered not telling Suitcase, partly due to him being slightly embarrassed by himself, but decided that maybe by relating her experiences to his own, she would feel better!

"Well Suitcase, " He said, cupping her 'cheeks' with his hands, pausing a bit to make sure it was ok with her, "I've never told anyone about this before, so don't spread it, ok?" "Okai!" "*sigh* Sometimes, I feel that way too."

"*Gasp* So I'm not weird?" Asked Suitcase, brightening up.

… Knife had never considered that maybe he wasn’t a weird doll-obsessed freak. That's part of why he always hid in a shell of coldness, trying to protect himself from judgment. But maybe, just maybe, if Suitcase felt like that too, then it was normal after all.

"...Yeah, I guess it is normal." Knife said, giving the girl a little smile.

Other than the new fact that what he and Suitcase did was normal, Knife didn't really know that much about it. So, he decided to go see if Mepad was awake. Mepad knew basically everything!


Mepad was pondering things, like where Toilet could ever be, why Mephone had decided to leave the last four contestants on the island, why did Taco decide to let him go, what was the meaning of life? But his pondering was stopped by Knife knocking on his door.

He used his leg to open the door, and he saw Knife carrying Suitcase like a small child. “Uhmm… Mepad could you answer something for me real quick?” Knife asked. “Well, I’m always happy to help, so ask away!” Said Mepad, motioning Knife to walk in.

Knife sat down on the bed, placing Suitcase down beside him, and said “Well… Sometimes I feel… How do I put this… Small. And I do lots of really childish things, and I don’t know what it’s called. Do you have any ideas?”

“Hmmm…” Mepad searched the internet, looking up phrases and terms with the hope of hooking something, until a site titled ‘Age regression: What is it?’ came up. Mepad scanned the article, and said “I think I may have something for you, Mr. Knife Guy."

Inanimate Insanity Age Regression Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें