Chapter 5

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An: HEYYYYY! Sorry I haven't really been active! I've been busy with school, but we have fall break so I thought I should give you guys the next chapter. Also do you guys think I should name each chapter. I usually like when other people's books have named chapters, so I thought maybe I should do that with my books. Also sorry if this chapter is short.

Chapter Name: His House

 Did he just ask me if I wanted to stay for dinner? That was unexpected.

I turned around and looked at him, I then said, "Uhm, I guess. It is pretty late and I'm kinda hungry, but I have to leave right after." He just nodded at me and said, "That's fine, anything in particular you want to eat?"

"Oh yes, uhm can you make Udon and rice, that's one of my favorite meals." I replied, it's not the healthiest meal but I've been craving it.

"Oh yes I know how to make it. Can you help me though just in case you like it a different way?" He asked me.

"Yes, I can!" I said as he led me to the kitchen. He has a really nice kitchen, when I first saw it I was amazed.

*Time skip to after cooking because I don't want to write all that*

We finished cooking and sat at the table eating. The food looked so appetizing!

 The food looked so appetizing!

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(What the Udon looks like)

It was a bowl of udon and then on the side was a tiny bowl of rice.

Don't worry it wasn't awkward, we were actually having lots of fun, we made jokes and talked, we talked about our jobs and more stuff. And before I left I actually gave him my number so that we can hang out or make it easier for him to schedule cleanings. After the number exchange he helped me put my stuff in my car.

"Well have a goodnight Sakusa-kun." I said while bowing. I stood straight shortly after.

Then he said, "Have a goodnight as well. And no need to be informal, just call me Sakusa or Kiyoomi, either is fine." I was genuinely surprised, we basically met today, but it felt like we had known each other a lot longer with how friendly we were with each other.

"Well then you can just call Akasuki, you also don't need to be formal." I said while smiling and then gave a small wave which he returned and then I got in my car and left. 'He was very cute and handsome. I can't believe we're friends!'

*Time skip to when she got home*

I checked the time while walking up to my door.


'Jeez I was out for awhile'

I finally get my door unlocked and walk in. My animals came running to me.

"Hello beautifuls! I'm sorry for coming home so late." I said in a baby voice and petted them. I then took my shoes off and put my bag down and went to my room. I took a shower and got changed into some super comfy sweats and an oversized t-shirt I had. I then did my nightly routine of washing my face, cleaning any dishes in the sink, and cleaning the pet bowls. I then went and laid down in my bed and watched my show, which was "The Middle" on HBOmax. I watched it while drawing on my Ipad. My pets were chilling at the foot of my bed. After awhile I got tired and fell asleep.

Meanwhile with Sakusa

I was lying in my bed in the dark feeling content and happy. 'She did such an amazing job at cleaning. Obviously I'm better at cleaning, right? Of course I am! Anyways she was super pretty, she was even pretty when I first saw her at the gym.' I rolled over and finally the feeling of sleepiness started pestering me, and I fell asleep.

Ms. Clean (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now