Chapter 4

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          I woke up and immediately remembered the new house I added to my schedule today. I also remembered the rules before I could enter the house. 'I guess I'll have to run home quickly between houses and take a shower.' I sigh and get out of bed so I can get ready for the day.

          I decided to wear some black sweatpants and a gray crop top that was just cut shorter from a normal tee. I decided to bring a black zip-up jacket, and I decided to wear my black doc martens again. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, but not one that's on top of my head, it was lower and a bit neater. It looked cute, it went well with my outfit and honestly made me look less like a hobo in my outfit. I put on a little makeup, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and blush.

          I then went to the kitchen to make some tea, and put food in my cat and dog's bowls. Again they came running to their bowls. I also filled their water bowls. Then I checked if I had everything. 'My tote bag, check. My phone, check. My tea, check. I think I have everything.' and then I left.


I opened the front door and grabbed my keys off the hook. 'Hehehe...'

Meanwhile Mr. Sakusa Kiyoomi just got to his practice.

          I walked in and said good morning to the girl at the front desk and walked down the hall to the gym. I opened the gym doors to surprisingly see that the gym lights are on meaning someone is here. So I walk to the locker rooms and I see Shion Inunaki.

"Ah, hello Sakusa-san." Inunaki said to me.

"Hello, it's surprising to see someone here before me." I replied.

"Yeah, I decided to come in early. Y'know the lady at the front desk was surprised to see me when I was the first to walk in."

"Yeah. That's because I'm usually the first to get here." I said walking to my locker.

"Yeah, I know. The guys always talk about it. Welp, I'm finished here so I'm gonna go warm up."

"Ok, see you out there in a sec." I replied, he responded with a nod and then walked out.

          "I can't wait to get home to a clean house and then just chill." I said quietly to myself. Then, I heard loud shouting, 'Ah yes Atsumu and Koutarou fighting first thing in the morning.' I finished changing, closed my locker and walked out to go yell at them.

*Time Skip (It is now Akasuki's POV)*

'Ok it's 2:00. Perfect time to finish, now I gotta rush home to shower.'

"Bye! I hope you love your now clean house, and thank you for choosing me to clean it!" I said while bowing.

"Oh! I should be thanking you. You did a splendid job!" The kind old lady said to me.

"Well I must be going. I have another house to clean in a bit so I gotta rush. Goodbye and you can always count on me to clean your house again!"

"Of course, and goodbye!" She replied.

And with that I left and drove home.

          Once I got home Star and Akira came running to me. "Oh, sorry I can't cuddle right now. I gotta take a shower and rush to the next house!" I checked the time, 2:10. 'OMG! I gotta rush, I've only got 20 minutes to get there.'

          I got in the shower and made sure to get pretty clean, remembering that he is a germaphobe. I got out and blow dry my hair to the point it looked dry but if you touched it you can feel it's still wet, but it's not like he's going to be touching my hair. I then got into my outfit and redid my hair and makeup, like I did this morning, besides forgetting my keys, I made sure I had everything and then left.

          I made it to his house right on time, even though I just realized that he's not even there to make sure I was on time, but it's still better to be on time. But jeez his house was massive, I can't believe it's only two stories. It's huge! (... stop ._.) I looked under a plant pot to find a key there, just like he told me there would be. I unlocked his door and wow it seems bigger on the inside. I walked back out to my car and grabbed the cart that has my cleaning supplies and rolled it into his house.

'Let's get started!'

*Time Skip Again*

Sakusa Kiyoomi had made it home.

          I see a car parked in front of my house. I guess the person is still cleaning. I get out of my car and unlock my door. I step in and the first thing I notice is the smell, it smells very clean, but it's not overpowering, it's very pleasant. I then see a lady, a very familiar lady, walk downstairs.

"Uh, hello I remember you from the gym I practice at." I said to her,

She turned to look at me and said, "Oh! You're that guy that bought that spray cleaner from me." She said smiling. I just nodded.

"It looks very nice, and smells very nice." I say with a bit of excitement hoping she doesn't pick it up. But she does and it makes her smile widely.

"Well I'm not done yet. I've just started working on the guest bedroom. I actually just finished yours."

"Thank you. I am going to go take a shower and change now. I'm covered in sweat." I said a little disgusted at the feeling of sweat on me. She just nodded and went back to what she was doing.

*Time Skip to after his shower*

          I got out of the shower and felt so much better. As I was changing I was thinking about her, 'She is kinda pretty. What am I thinking?! Ugh, she's just cleaning my house, nothing else.' As I finished that thought I finished dressing myself and started to dry my hair with a towel. I then walked out of my bathroom, then out of my bedroom and put the towel around my neck and walked into the guest bedroom and saw that she was still here.

"Oh! Hello I was just finishing!" She said, and I noticed her face was a little red. I tilted my head then I started to panic 'Is she red because she's sick!?'

"Uhmmm, your face is red, are you sick or something?" I said, stepping back a little.

"Oh! No! I'm just flustered I guess?" She said while walking past me and down the stairs to her cleaning cart.

'Oh, why though?'

Meanwhile in Akasuki's head.

'OMG wHy'S hE sO HoT, HE'S LITERALLY JUST HAS A TOWEL AROUND HIS NECK!!!! But why does that make him so hot, and with the little droplets of water... I'm about to pass out.'

Luckly, I made it past him and down the stairs. Also luckly, I had just finished the guest bedroom, meaning I was done cleaning his house and can go home. That was until...

"Wanna stay for dinner?"


          HI, author here! Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in awhile. I have been a bit depressed and not motivated. This is because (Some of you might know, some of you not) my favorite youtuber Technoblade had past away, and it hit me pretty hard, especially because I didn't have anyone to talk to, to make me feel better. But I hope you are all having an AMAZING day or night <3. Cya next chapter!

Ms. Clean (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now