Chapter 3

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The boys made it to Hinata's house.

          Hinata unlocked his door and opened it. We all stepped in after him, I walked in last though. The first look around and it was very clean, I immediately relaxed when I saw how clean it was. We all took off our shoes and started walking around and looking at everything.

"So, how does it look?" Hinata asked, mostly directing the question to Sakusa.

"It's very clean." Atsumu replied.

Bokuto said, "It's so refreshing! We should have whoever cleaned your house clean Atsumu's house."

"Bokuto yours is also bad." Atsumu argued back

"NUH-UH! Akaashi lives with me now, so it's always clean!"

"Whatever" Atsumu mumbled.

"So, how is it Sakusa?" Hinata asked eagerly.

"It's very clean. It surpassed my expectations. Who did you get to clean your house?"

"Oh! It was this person called Ms.Clean. I found her on Tiktok! I can send you her website link if you want."

"Yes please." I nodded. I might want to ask them to clean my house since I haven't been able to for a while because of practice.

We all decided to watch a show in Shoyo's living room.

          After a while Bokto said he had to leave because Akaashi wanted him home for dinner. 30 minutes after he left I decided to leave. I wanted to go home and just rest. We said our goodbyes and I left. Now I was on my way home.

          I made it home. It was quiet and dark and it made me feel almost sad. While I was changing after I took a shower I remembered that cleaning lady. I laid in bed and searched up her website on my laptop. I first looked at the reviews to make sure, they were all good reviews no matter how far I scrolled they were all good. 'Ok that's good' I thought to myself. I read how to get myself booked. 'I just have to email and wait for an email back? What if she doesn't see it?'

Hello, my name is Sakusa Kiyoomi. I was wondering when you were available to clean my house?

And I clicked send. I then grabbed my phone but right when I unlocked my phone I got a reply. 'Wow that was quick.'

Hello Sakusa! Before I can place you in my schedule I need details on what condition your house is in.


My house is pretty clean. I just haven't been able to clean it in a while because I've been busy with my work. So I haven't cleaned it in about a week.


That is perfectly ok. I can fit you in for tomorrow at 2:30 pm. If that is alright?


That is a good time. How long will you take?


Depending on how big your house is. So for example if you have a 2 story house then it could take up to 5 hours, if doing all the rooms, because I deep clean houses not just skim clean it.


Ok, my house is indeed a 2 story house and I would like it if you cleaned all the rooms. Though I get off work at 7:00 pm. So I will probably come home while you are still there. Is that alright?


Yes that is alright. I've cleaned many houses where the person was there the whole time I was cleaning. So it's alright.


I have some rules that you have to follow before coming into my house though. I hope that is alright as well?


That is just fine. What are the rules?


You have to be clean. You have to have taken a shower at least an hour before entering. And have at least one cleaning supply with you, hand sanitizer counts. Though the last one won't be hard for you, because you are cleaning my house. I'm sorry that I have these rules, I am a germaphobe so I don't like germs.


That's alright. Whatever makes my clients happy and feel most comfortable.


Thank you. That's all my rules, see you tomorrow.


Yes, see you tomorrow.


I sighed. Finally I can have a clean house without me cleaning it. And I fell asleep.


'Yay! I've got another house to clean, meaning more money.'

I did my nightly routine and went to bed. I hope I make good money tomorrow, but the name Sakusa Kiyoomi... it sounds familiar.


Hey Author here! Sorry I didn't post even though I literally said I would everyday. But in my defence I said I would try. I've also been busy with some family drama sooo yeah. But here youare a chapter. Sorry if this one is shorter than the other ones. Anyways cya in the next chapter!

Ms. Clean (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now