Chapter 2

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It was the next day and Sakusa got up at 5:00 am to get ready to go to practise.

          I was currently drinking a protein shake. 'Oh yeah weren't they going to Shoyo's after practise? Should I go? I kinda want to go just to see how they cleaned, but I'm wondering if he destroyed it without thinking.' Then suddenly my phone went off. I checked it, it was the stupid gc I had with Shoyo, Atsumu, and Bokuto.


'Hey so my house is exactly how I left it yesterday. I've only been in my room, my bathroom, the hallway, and the front door so the majority of my house is still clean! :)'


'But aren't you gonna have to go to the kitchen for breakfast?'


'No, I actually left a bit ago, I'm in a cafe having breakfast, so I'm good!'

'Also are you all going to my house after practice?'


'I know I'm going!'


'I'm going! I've never seen your house clean.'


'I guess I'll go. I wanna see how well they cleaned your house.'


'Hey I'm pretty sure this'll be Kiyoomi's first time in your house Shoyo!'


'YEAH I think so too!!!!!!'


'Wow Omi Omi.'


'I'll see you guys at practice. I'll be there soon.'



          I put on my shoes, put on a mask, grabbed my bag, and made sure I had everything. After I made sure, I walked out of my house and made my way to my car and got in. I plugged in my phone and put on some soft music. Then I was on my way to practice and hoped that when I got there my other teammates wouldn't be late.

Meanwhile Akasuki was just getting out of bed.

          I checked the time, it was exactly 6:00 am. I sighed and decided to get ready. I walked out to the kitchen and started brewing coffee. Then I put food in my cat and dog's bowls and filled their water bowls, they both came running.

          Then I went to my room to pick out an outfit. I was just going to choose something comfy like always but then felt the sudden urge to dress up a little. I decided to wear a white oversized sweater that buttons up and is tucked in a bit in the front, and wear black high-waisted mom jeans, with a black leather belt with a bit of gold on the front, and I decided to wear my black doc martens. I wore small gold dangle earrings and two gold necklaces (The longer one had an amethyst and the smaller one was a gold long stick thing) and then I wore a few rings.

          I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair which was a dark brown and wavy, it stopped at my mid back, I decided a low messy bun was the hairstyle to do because then again I was going to be doing some cleaning. I then went back to my room and put a black tank top under my white sweater realizing I'm most likely going to take it off to clean. Then, I went to the bathroom again and did light makeup, I did some concealer, eyeliner and mascara, blush, eyebrow gel, and chapstick.

Ms. Clean (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum