Let Me Help You Leo

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You groaned and slowly started to move forward, coughing up the dust from the explosion. You could see two turtle shells just a few feet in front of you, groaning and moving as well.

To your right, yelling was heard, and a flash of brown fighting black caught your eye.


"They're got tranq darts!" Donnie yelled in a high pitched voice. "Well don't let them hit your skin..." Leo growled out as the soldiers began firing.

You yelped and dodged darts as they flew, but it was kinda hard to fight back without a weapon, especially when your enemy's were armed with fucking guns. Whatever happened to being ninjas? NINJAS DON'T FUCKING USE GUNS!

Leo looked back at you, noticing a foot solider about to fire, "Y/N!" He yelled. You look at Leo, and then back at the foot soldier.

"OH SHIT-!" You yelled as a force pushed into you, successfully getting you away from the tranq dart.

You looked up to see- 'SHIT HE IS ON TOP OF ME!' You blushed as Leo stared into your eyes for a second, heat rushing to his face as he got up and grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from the Foot.

You avoided a stack of rubble, climbing over it as Leo took out some soldiers.

"Get out of here! Find your sister!" He turned away as if to leave, but you put a hand on his arm.

You had this sudden urge to stay by his side and fight with him, you felt like you had to.

"No," You looked into his eyes, furrowing your brows, "I'm staying to fight, even if I don't have a weapon."

Leo hesitantly locked eyes with you, searching and hoping to find a sign that you would give up, but in his heart he knew you weren't backing down. Sighing, he ran into the weapons room, dragging you after him.

He barreled through soldiers before stopping in front of a weapons rack. He turned around, covering you from tranq darts.

"Ugh-!" He grunted as he swung his katanas through the air, "You said a Wakizashi when you were- GET BACK- talking about your weapon, right?" You nodded as Leo barely stopped a tranq from hitting your skin.

"It's at the bottom!" Leo yelled as he kicked a soldier in the gut, making him fly across the room.

Your eyes scanned the rack as you heard another grunt, and there it was.

The sword was not white and blue like your original, instead it was gold and blue. Blue wrapped around the handle, with little gold parts to keep the sword in place.

"Found it!" You announced proudly as you grabbed the sword, you gave it a quick slice through the air and grinned. "FUCKING SWEET!"

Leo smiled a bit and then turned his head to you, "You good on your own?" You nodded as he leapt away from his position, leaving you exposed.

"Be careful!" Leo called over his shoulder as he took out multiple soldiers and almost ran into Raph.

"We got a breach in the fan room!" Donnie yelled from over his shoulder as he shoved a foot soldier back.

Leo snapped his head towards Raph and put a hand out, shoving him in what you assumed was the direction of the fan room, "Raph, get to the fan room!" Leo shouted.

"Why are you always telling me what to do?!" Raph retorted angrily, but he started moving when a tranq dart flew by his head.

You dodged some tranqs and successfully took a soldier out, whipping your head around to see your sister cowering away from the fight.

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